Sign up now for a variety of parks and recreation programs through the city of Maple Valley.
- Adult open gym for volleyball begins Oct. 8
Drop-in volleyball will be held from 6-8 p.m. Fridays at Tahoma Junior High School. Everyone is welcome and teams are formed and organized at the gym. Fee $3, cash only at the door.
- Don’t miss the upcoming adult coed volleyball league. For more information or upcoming dates, search city website.
- Fall adult yoga classes offered
Maple Valley Parks and Recreation offers Iyengar yoga at Lake Wilderness Lodge. This popular form of yoga builds strength, flexibility and balance while developing a sense of clarity and well-being. The use of props like blocks, belts and blankets will assists students in attaining the postures based on individual needs. Class levels follow a progression where the fundamentals of postural alignment and technique are taught for the safety and performance of poses that follow in subsequent class levels.
Bring a sticky mat and any yoga props you have like belts, blocks and blankets.
Information is available at