Boys golf
The Tahoma boys golf team is 6-0. The team defeated Kentlake 92-74 and Kentwood 91-87.Senior RJ Tallud shot back to back rounds of 32 at Druids Glen (par 36) and Jade Greens (par 35). He is averaging under 35 strokes per match. Kentwood is in second place in the SPSL north at 6-1 and Kentlake is in third with a record of 5-2.
Kentlake soccer fell to Auburn 5-4 and to Kentwood 1-0. Kentridge is on top of the SPSL North league with a perfect record, followed by Tahoma and Kentwood.
Girls swimming
The Tahoma girls swim team defeated Kentwood 102-81 last week. Kentlake is in second place in the league behind Mt. Rainier, with Tahoma in third overall.