Four Maple Valley players recognized at soccer challenge

The 2010 Washington Recreation and Park Association Soccer Challenge State Competition in Auburn Oct. 24 included more than 80 participants and four Maple Valley players earned recognition.

The 2010 Washington Recreation and Park Association Soccer Challenge State Competition in Auburn Oct. 24 included more than 80 participants and four Maple Valley players earned recognition.

Brooke Asbury earned second place in the girls 9-and-10-year-old group, Fabio Vargas earned 10th place in the boys 6-and-under-age group, Tanner Rodwell earned seventh place in the boys 7-and-8-year-old group and Enzo Perez earned third place in the boys 9-and-10-year-old group.

The city of Maple Valley Parks and Recreation would like to congratulate all of the state competitors from our city and look forward to another great turn out at the 2011 Soccer Challenge at Lake Wilderness Park.