The crew from 710 ESPN Seattle’s “Danny, Dave and Moore” aired their popular sports radio program from Kentwood High School on Tuesday afternoon, then joined the public for a special Town Hall on Concussions & Youth Sports at the school’s Performing Arts Center in Covington.
Panelists included Dave Wyman, former Stanford and NFL linebacker, Dr. Stan Herring, former Seahawks team physician, and Dave Lutes, Kent School District athletic director. Danny O’Neil, 710 ESPN host and former Seahawks beat writer for the Seattle Times, moderated.
The program, presented by 710 ESPN and the Kent School District, discussed how concussions and head injuries have impacted the health of players, especially those in the early levels of development, and what the school district is doing to make all games safer.
The discussion was free and open to parents and coaches involved in all levels of sports.