The girls swim and dive meet came to an end at the state championship Friday and Saturday.
The teams competed at the King County Aquatics Center in Federal Way.
Athletes from Tahoma and Kentlake took to the pool on final day.
Abbey Nardella took a silver in the 50 yard freeestyle in 38.27 for the Bears.
Cassie Padilla took 12 in the dive for Kentlake.
Overall, the Bears took 20th in state and the Kentlake took 34th.
200 Yard Medley Relay
10. Tahoma – 1:54.12
Amy Gill
Sydney Sears
Abby Mattern
Iliana Hammerstrom
200 Yard Freestyle
21. Emir Nishizawa Tahoma 2:03.80
50 Yard Freestyle
2. Abbey Nardella Tahoma 38.27
200 Yard
22. Amelia Blakely, Tahoma 2:17.20
50 Yard Freestyle
23. Hammerstrom Tahoma 25.77
12. Cassie Padilla Kentlake 296.40 5
100 Yard Butterfly
14. Abby Mattern Tahoma 59.28 3
50 Yard Backstroke
3. Abbey Nardella Tahoma 47.74
500 Yard Freestyle
16. Emir Nishizawa, Tahoma 5:25.97
19. Rache Kloepfer, Tahoma 5:33.73
20. Amelia Blakely, Tahoma 5:34.25
Women 200 YardFreestyle Relay
11. Tahoma 1:42.35 12
Amelia Blakely
Iliana Hammerstrom
Abby Mattern
Emiri Nishizawa
Women 400 Yard Freestyle Relay
17. Tahoma 3:48.73
Amelia Blakely
Iliana Hammerstrom
Abby Mattern
Emiri Nishizawa