Time to focus on property tax increases | Letter to the editor

"Property taxes" should be called "income taxes" | Letter to the editor

Maple Valley’s Chuck Hardaway has rendered a great service to all of us by focusing attention on the endless increase of our property taxes.

I have attempted to persuade local Representatives such as Pat Sullivan to call “property tax” what it really is. It is “INCOME TAX,” because it is paid out of our INCOMES, isn’t it? The big problem with it is that it can be raised repeatedly by levies or re-evaluation (based on real estate sales) even though your income is declining, fixed or non-existent.

This nasty little scam is loved by Democrat spenders because it’s a piggy bank they use for all their big plans at the working man’s expense. Please remember this next time that smiling Democrat politician claims to be fighting for “the working man” and wants your vote!

Peter Hawley