Thank you for voting | Letter to the Editor

I want to thank our city of Maple Valley citizens who turned out to vote during the April 2016 special elections. On the ballot was the much anticipated, and widely discussed, city of Maple Valley parks bond measure. As your mayor, I respect your vote and the council hears you loud and clear. This bond was not what the majority of our citizens wanted. We will take this vote as a strong message about what our community wants and needs.

I want to thank our city of Maple Valley citizens who turned out to vote during the April 2016 special elections. On the ballot was the much anticipated, and widely discussed, city of Maple Valley parks bond measure. As your mayor, I respect your vote and the council hears you loud and clear. This bond was not what the majority of our citizens wanted. We will take this vote as a strong message about what our community wants and needs.

Should we, as a city, look to put a bond before you in the future, we will listen more and hope we can count on everyone to engage us in discussion and feedback for the needs of our great city.

I personally want to invite everyone to regularly engage in discussions as part of public process to be sure we are held accountable and that we, as a council, are serving our city and citizens as we were elected to do.

Please contact me or any of your council members should you have questions, concerns or general feedback. We appreciate all who voted and look forward to working with you in 2016.

Thank you,

Sean P. Kelly


City of Maple Valley