Secretary of State Kim Wyman has released the final candidate list for Washington’s 2016 Presidential Primary, including four Republicans and two Democrats.
Friday was the deadline for the Secretary to make the declaration, confined by state law to those “generally advocated or whose candidacy is generally recognized in the national news media.” Since a preliminary list was released Feb. 24, Republicans Marco Rubio and Ben Carson have halted their campaigns. Under the state Presidential Primary law, only the candidates may remove themselves from the May 24 primary. Rubio signed such a withdrawal on Friday, but Carson did not respond to numerous contacts from the State Elections Division.
That leaves Washington’s ballot with Republicans Ben Carson, Ted Cruz, John Kasich, and Donald Trump. Democrats are Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders. No other candidate qualified for the ballot by collecting 1,000 Washington voter signatures.
The Presidential Primary voting period ends on May 24. Ballots must go out to military and overseas voters by April 9, and regular ballots and Voters’ Pamphlets will be sent the first week in May.
“We urge Washington voters to take part in our Presidential Primary this year,” Wyman said. “This is the first time in eight years we’ve had a Presidential Primary and the first time there has been a wide-open race for the White House, with no incumbent running.
“This is our opportunity to be heard. I hope candidates will spend some quality time in Washington. I know both Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton will be here ahead of the March 26 Democratic caucuses, and I hope we will see candidates here before our Primary. On the Republican side, the race for national delegates should still be in play at that time.”
April 25 is the last day to register by mail or online, or to update one’s address or name ahead of the Presidential Primary. Those not currently registered in Washington may register in person at the county elections offices until May 16.
The Presidential Primary was created in 1989 as a citizen Initiative to the Legislature. It was run in 1992, 1996, 2000 and 2008.
Unlike all other Washington elections, Presidential Primary voters are required by law to declare a party for the primary they’re voting in. The declarations, written by the Democratic and Republican parties, are located on the return envelope. Without a signature and checking the appropriate party box, the vote will not be counted.
Voters will receive a unified ballot with both party primary lists, but voters can only choose a candidate within the party they declared.
The parties will receive a list of voters who chose their ballot.
Republicans will use the primary results to allocate their national convention delegates; Democrats will not. The Democrats will use their March 26caucuses and subsequent conventions/caucuses to allocate national convention delegates.
Secretary Wyman attempted to move the primary date to March 8, but the primary date-selection committee deadlocked on a party-line vote, with Democrats objecting to the earlier date. The default date set by the original Presidential Primary initiative is the fourth Tuesday in May, this year May 24. The funding was included in the state budget adopted by both houses and both parties, and signed by the Governor.