Washington state sees increase in funding to tackle flood problems

The Washington State Department of Ecology (Ecology) has received an $11.25 million budget appropriation from the Washington State Legislature to reduce flood damage, risks and hazards statewide.

The Washington State Department of Ecology (Ecology) has received an $11.25 million budget appropriation from the Washington State Legislature to reduce flood damage, risks and hazards statewide. Through grant partnerships developed with local governments, Ecology aims to solve complex flood management problems using new and innovative approaches.


“This is Washington’s biggest single investment in reducing flood hazards,” said Gordon White, Shorelands and Environmental Assistance program manager for Ecology.  “Damage from floods exceeds all other natural disasters in Washington and this is a significant opportunity for Washington communities to better protect themselves from flood damage they may have experienced for decades.”


Ecology’s grant program is designed to fund solutions that reduce Washington’s flood risks and hazards by accelerating floodplain ecosystem recovery and pioneering new approaches to overcome longstanding issues. New approaches include coordinating flood hazard reduction with improved salmon recovery, water quality improvements and habitat restoration.


Federal, state and local governments have spent more than $525 million in the past 33 years to repair public facilities, help individuals recover from flood damage and pay for measures to prevent future flood damage. The statewide grant program was created by the Washington State Legislature during the 2013 legislative session to fund local projects that provide multi-benefit solutions for hazard reduction to people, property, critical facilities and transportation corridors.


Deadline and Eligibility


Counties, cities, federally recognized Indian tribes, port districts, flood control zone districts, flood control districts, and diking and drainage districts are eligible and encouraged to apply. Application details are available at Floodplain Management and Control Competitive Grants Program 2013. The deadline for submittal is Feb. 14, 2014