Toys and more for fun and development of children | Kari Tanta

Toys, toys, toys; if you have children, chances are you’ve wondered (while picking them up for the thousandth time) if they have too many. Playing is the way children learn and toys are the tools that help them learn while they play. That said, it is very easy to become overwhelmed with toys. To help you get organized, create a toy inventory for each toy you feel is age-appropriate for your child.

Toys, toys, toys; if you have children, chances are you’ve wondered (while picking them up for the thousandth time) if they have too many.

Playing is the way children learn and toys are the tools that help them learn while they play. That said, it is very easy to become overwhelmed with toys. To help you get organized, create a toy inventory for each toy you feel is age-appropriate for your child.

To create a toy inventory make a simple tally sheet with the following headings: social, language, motor, construction, the arts and imagination. Add a tick mark each time you identify a toy within a particular category. If your child’s toys fall in only a few categories, his play may be limited. Strive for balance in available play things to support and encourage their overall development.

If you are unsure of the child’s play skills or general development, consult your healthcare provider. You may want a referral to a pediatric occupational therapist, physical therapist or speech pathologist who can assess his development and provide suggestions.