One of the earliest blooms of late winter into spring, nodding hellebore flowers are fragrant and long-lasting, adding splashes of color to a re-awakening garden, from pink and purple to yellow, white and black.
Hellebores also have attractive green foliage that adds to any landscape. This herbaceous, evergreen perennial is disliked by deer and other pests. All parts of the plant are poisonous, so keep children and pets away.
5 Tips for Growing Hellebores
1. Plant hellebore seeds in the fall, for a 60-day moist chilling.
2. Plant in well-draining soil, in a filtered sun or shady location, under deciduous trees.
3. Allow adequate space for proper growth as the plant will return for many years.
4. Soaking and fertilizing the soil helps the hellebore plant to look its best.
5. Divide overgrown clumps after flowering in spring or in autumn.
When the hellebore flowers come to mind for Maple Valley, the thought of Lake Wilderness Arboretum usually follows. The plant not only grows in the gardens; the Arboretum’s
Foundation celebrates them at the Hellebore Tea, which takes place Sunday, March 13 at Lake Wilderness Lodge.
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