Telephone town hall meeting with Rep. Mark Hargrove, 47th District | Feb. 22

Rep. Mark Hargrove, R-Covington, invites constituents to participate in a live telephone town hall with him the evening of Tuesday, Feb. 22 to discuss legislative issues.

Rep. Mark Hargrove, R-Covington, invites constituents to participate in a live telephone town hall with him the evening of Tuesday, Feb. 22 to discuss legislative issues.

The call will begin promptly at 6:30 p.m. and last one hour. Constituents can participate by dialing 1-877-229-8493 and, when prompted, entering PIN number 17556. Once on the line, callers will be able to ask a question by pressing star 3 (*3) on their telephone keypads.

Operators will assist callers to go “live” with Hargrove during the telephone town hall.

“As a new legislator, this call will be a great way to listen to what constituents are concerned about and what solutions they would like to see put forward this year,” Hargrove said. “We have a lot of serious decisions ahead with regard to education and the budget, among other things, and this two-way dialog will play a key role in the decisions I make on legislation.”

At the end of the one hour teleforum, anyone who stays on the line can leave a voicemail message with comments or questions, which will be forwarded to Hargrove’s office.

Hargrove encourages residents who cannot attend the forum to e-mail, write or call his office with questions and ideas.

“I represent everyone in the district. What they think is critically important to me serving them to the best of my ability,” Hargrove said.

His contact information can be found on his legislative Web site.