Tahoma teacher supports Tami Henkel

With the upcoming election for the Tahoma School Board Position No. 1 currently held by Tami Henkel, I am compelled to urge voters to re-elect Mrs. Henkel on Nov. 3. I have been a teacher in the district for 24 years; prior to the current board, I knew very little about the members, including their names.

With the upcoming election for the Tahoma School Board Position No. 1 currently held by Tami Henkel, I am compelled to urge voters to re-elect Mrs. Henkel on Nov. 3. I have been a teacher in the district for 24 years; prior to the current board, I knew very little about the members, including their names.

About four years ago, I noticed Mrs. Henkel was becoming a familiar face at the high school. She attended meetings and school events; she was evaluating student work and dropping in on classes during open house; she was making lattés for PTA. Her son was attending Tahoma High School at the time, but many of the functions she was attending had nothing to do with him.

Three years ago Mrs. Henkel attended an evening Career & Technical Education (CTE) Advisory Committee meeting. I thought it impressive; she was one of only two school board members I recall ever attending. After learning she was employed in the accounting field, I invited her to join the break-out session being held by the Business Education Department. When asked the purpose of her visit, she responded, “I am asked to make decisions regarding students, staff, programs and schools. It’s important I have all the information. I am here to learn.”

Last spring Mrs. Henkel asked me what she could personally do to help students. I laughed and told her that I could use another adult to help supervise our Adopt-A-Road activity. I laughed because picking up roadside trash was surely not what she had in mind when she asked the question. A month ago she e-mailed me asking when and where she should meet us for the fall cleanup. There she was at 10 a.m. on Saturday with her boots and gloves on ready to work.

Tami Henkel is not just a recorded “yea” or “nay” on a decision; she is an informed, vital member of the Maple Valley community and Tahoma School District who bases her decisions on your child’s future. Please re-elect Tami Henkel to the Tahoma School Board.

Deb Wood
