Tahoma hosts robotics competition Oct. 17

Teams of girls from across the Pacific Northwest are on their way to the fourth annual “Girls’ Generation” Robotics Competition

Teams of girls from across the Pacific Northwest are on their way to the fourth annual “Girls’ Generation” Robotics Competition.

Free and open to the public, this event is hosted by the Tahoma Robotics Club, and will take place 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 17 atTahoma High School, 18200 SE 240th St, Covington.

The event is a competitive game aimed at encouraging girls to get involved in STEM, Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math, basedactivities, which are generally male dominated.

High school girls will operate six robots at a time, guiding them around the field, constructing towers from plastic tote boxes and capping the towers with green recycling bins.

Everyone is encouraged to come and watch the SOTABots, Tacoma, Lion Robotics, Auburn, Skunkworks, Seattle, Bear Metal, Maple Valleyand 26 other teams from around the Northwest. It’s free, and a great way to support your local robotics team.

For more information, contact Darren Collins, Club Advisor (DCOLLINS@tahomasd.us) or visit: tahomarobotics.org or www.usfirst.org.