Tahoma hosts college credit in high school night

Tahoma High will host the college credit in the high school night for interested students and parents at 7 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 24. Information presented will be especially useful for students in grades 9-11 as it will allow them to better plan their four-year schedules as well as learn about how to earn college credit during high school.

Tahoma High will host the college credit in the high school night for interested students and parents at 7 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 24.

Information presented will be especially useful for students in grades 9-11 as it will allow them to better plan their four-year schedules as well as learn about how to earn college credit during high school.

After a general opening session, three 25-minute workshops will be conducted on topics including advance placement classes, University of Washington credit classes, tech prep, and running start. Parents and students can choose the workshops they wish to attend.

For information contact Brooke Dillon at bdillon@tahomasd.us or 425-413-6245.