Supporters waving signs for Tahoma School District’s construction bond measure | Slide Show

Supports of the Tahoma School District’s construction bond measure were out waving signs in support of the measure Friday near the intersection of S.E. Wax Road and state Route 169.

Supports of the Tahoma School District’s construction bond measure were out waving signs in support of the measure Friday near the intersection of S.E. Wax Road and state Route 169.

The district is seeking approval of a $125 million bond measure that would pay for a number of projects including building a new Lake Wilderness Elementary, a fifth elementary school, additional classroom space at Tahoma High, an auditorium that would be used as a lecture hall and performing arts space and  significant maintenance at a number of buildings in the school district among other projects.

If the bond is approved, according to information provided by the school district, Tahoma is eligible for $26.4 million matching funds from the state school construction fund but it is unclear if that money will be available to the district due to a state budget crunch.

The average tax rate for 2012 through 2016, based on current conditions, would be $1.41 per $1,000 of assessed valuation. This would translate to $33 a month or $423 per year for someone with a home valued at $300,000.

Tahoma last ran a successful bond measure in 1997. It paid for a number of projects with the dollars raised in property taxes and state matching grants stretched over nine years. The district has since had two unsuccessful construction bond measures, the first in 2001, the second in 2004.