As I drive around Maple Valley I see so many children and adults not wearing their helmet while riding their bikes and/or skateboards. There are so many things doctors can fix when it comes to our bodies, but there are two things they cannot fix no matter how far medicine has advanced.
One of those is our spinal cord. Kids and young adults need to understand the importance of lifting correctly, wearing a seat belt and protecting your spine when still young. I have had spinal surgery and currently have plates, screws and cadaver bones in my neck. I have had no accidents and can’t remember what I must have done to end up on the operating table needing all this hardware. Maybe I gave too many pony back rides when young?
The other thing doctors cannot fix is our brain. Since we only have one, we need to protect it the best way possible. One little bump on the head can cause bleeding and can even cause death. Why take the chance? If you have a child who does not like wearing his/her helmet give them stickers and let them decorate their own helmet. They might like it and wear it more often. I also see many children not wearing their helmet correctly. It is either sitting too far up on their forehead or the straps are not tight enough. If they were to fall the helmet would slide farther up or come off completely not protecting their head.
Please take good care of yourself and your children. Broken arms can be fixed, cuts and bruises will heal but injuries to our spinal cord and brain may not.
Safety then fun!
Together we can make a difference.
Maple Valley Fire and Life Safety