Roundabout contract awarded by Maple Valley City Council

Playing the waiting game just wasn’t working anymore. It became clear to Maple Valley officials waiting for federal stimulus money to pay for a roundabout at Witte Road and Southeast 248th was going to take too long.

Playing the waiting game just wasn’t working anymore.

It became clear to Maple Valley officials waiting for federal stimulus money to pay for a roundabout at Witte Road and Southeast 248th was going to take too long.

“Basically, it wasn’t going to come about,” said Public Works Director Steve Clark. “So, the Council decided to put it out to bid.”

Clark explained that seven responded with bids and the Maple Valley firm Goodfellow Bros., “was the lowest responsible bidder.”

“Last Monday, the City Council adopted the resolution to award the contract to Goodfellow Bros.,” Clark said. “Now we’re gearing up for construction.”

The contractor will likely begin construction on the project at the end of July, Clark said.

Goodfellow’s bid of $3.33 million is about $1.6 million under the engineer’s estimate for the price tag of the project. Money for the project will come from the city’s capital budget as well as a $1.25 million federal grant.

In addition to building a roundabout, work will include extending curbs, gutters, sidewalks, bike lanes, drainage systems and landscaping from just south of Lake Wilderness Elementary past the Nazarene Church on Witte Road.

Existing utilities will be underground, a new pedestrian trail connection off of Witte Road will be built to connect the street to the Lake Wilderness Trail and a new crosswalk north of Southeast 248th will be put in to make crossing to the elementary school that much easier.

This project has been on the books for nearly a decade and

Clark wants to make sure that drivers who take the route — one of three major arterials in Maple Valley – know that road work is about to begin.

“People need to be aware that there are going to be delays,” Clark said. “With a two lane road the contractor is going to keep it open. To help people plan in advance … we’re going to have updated information on the website. People can sign up for e-notifications.”

Capital Projects Manager Dan Mattson said the contractor will also have reader boards at both ends of the project with regularly updated information about the work.

“That is a route that I know a lot of people shortcut through, but it won’t be much of a shortcut once (construction) gets going,” Mattson said.

Clark suggested that commuters who take Witte Road may want to consider taking alternate routes during construction. It should take a year to complete the project.

City officials are working with the Tahoma School District to ensure buses headed for Lake Wilderness Elementary have first priority in traffic and Clark said he encourages parents with students at the school to look at putting their kids on the bus to ease traffic congestion during construction.

The hope is that the heavily used intersection which offers access to Lake Wilderness Park, the Greater Maple Valley Community Center, the Maple Valley library as well as a number of residential neighborhoods, will see a reduction in speeding through it, as well as safer crossing for pedestrians and cyclists.

Clark said a recent speed study of Witte Road showed that a number of drivers cruise down the road up to 55 or 60 mph with a posted speed limit of 35 mph.

“In addition to being improved for vehicle operation, it will also provide enhances safety for pedestrians and bicyclists in the community,” Clark said. “We’ll get it done and give them the best project we can.”

For more information, visit the city’s website at, go to Departments and Services, then Public Works then Current Projects.