Rock Creek Elementary students get to ride Maple Valley fire engine to school after reporting house fire

A 6-year-old Maple Valley boy and his friend will get a ride to school on a Maple Valley Fire and Life Safety fire engine for his birthday, Dec. 7, after they reported a fire in their neighborhood.

A 6-year-old Maple Valley boy and his friend will get a ride to school on a Maple Valley Fire and Life Safety fire engine for his birthday, Dec. 7, after they reported a fire in their neighborhood.

On Nov. 28, the two Rock Creek Elementary students saw smoke on the roof of their neighbor’s house. They ran into one of the boys’ home and told his parents, who then contacted 911.

Maple Valley Fire and Life Safety arrived to put out the fire and later discovered a malfunctioned extension chord connecting to the outdoor Christmas lights to be the cause of the fire.

The owners were not in the home at the time.

The boys will also attend the Fire Commissioners meeting on Dec. 15.