Public invited to apply for boards, commissions, and committees | Washington State Department of Health

The Washington State Department of Health is looking for people to serve on a variety of health-related boards, commissions, and committees.

The Washington State Department of Health is looking for people to serve on a variety of health-related boards, commissions, and committees.

“We’re excited to give our citizens a chance to influence the health and safety of our state in a variety of health fields,” says Karen Jensen, assistant secretary for the Health Systems Quality Assurance division. “These vacancies will be filled by people appointed by the governor and the secretary of health, who both take great pride in appointing qualified, responsible members to each position.”

There are 26 such groups accepting applications. The Board of Hearing and Speech, Board of Optometry, Chiropractic Quality Assurance Commission, Examining Board of Psychology, Midwifery Advisory Committee, Nursing Care Quality Assurance Commission, and others are looking for volunteers to apply for vacant positions.

Some of the groups have immediate vacancies; others need a pool of qualified candidates for future openings. Appointees must be citizens of the United States and residents of Washington. Regular meeting attendance is expected and is vital to the success of each team. Members are reimbursed for certain travel-related expenses and are compensated for time spent at meetings and other approved activities.

Information and applications are available on our website or by calling 360-236-4887.

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