People of note | Kristen L. Shimek, Justin P. Martirosian, Jung H. Kim

People of note | Kristen L. Shimek, Justin P. Martirosian, Jung H. Kim

Kristen L. Shimek has been promoted to the rank of private first class in the U.S. Army Reserve. She is a civil affairs specialist regularly assigned to the 1st Battalion, 19th

Field Artillery, based out of Fort Sill, Lawton, Okla.

She is the daughter of Michael R. and Andrea M. Shimek of  Maple Valley.

Shimek graduated in 2009 from Tahoma High School.

Army Spec. Justin P. Martirosian has graduated from basic infantry training at Fort Benning, Columbus, Ga.

During the nine weeks of training, the soldier received training in drill and ceremonies, weapons, map reading, tactics, military courtesy, military justice, physical fitness, first aid, and Army history, core values and traditions. Additional training included development of basic combat skills and battlefield operations and tactics, and experiencing use of various weapons and weapons defenses available to the infantry crewman.

He is the son of Heikas and Melinda Maftifosian of Covington.

Martirosian graduated in 2006 from Kentwood High School and received a bachelor’s

degree in 2008 from Eastern Washington University.

Jung H. Kim has joined the United States Army under the Delayed Entry Program. The program gives young men and women the opportunity to delay entering active duty for up to one year. After completion of basic military training, soldiers receive advanced individual training in their career job specialt

Kim will report to Fort Sill, Lawton, Okla., for basic training in June.

She is the daughter of Dong and Soon Kim of Kent.