The parade will be back and Covington Days is going strong, according to organizers of the community festival.
A public meeting in Covington later this month will be part of an effort by King County officials to enlist citizens’ help to protect riversides from knotweed.
The Black Diamond Police Department’s K-9 unit can continue, thanks to a donation of $3,000 from Wal-Mart.
The three-city Relay for Life puts about 200 people on their feet
Emergency crews were called to the Green River near Kanasket-Palmer State Park last Saturday after a man became unconscious while…
Kent Covenant Church, whose roots extend to Maple Valley, has expanded and renovated its facilities.
Submtting items: Calendars are published Wednesdays and Saturdays on a space-available basis. Items for the Wednesday edition must be submitted by noon the previous Thursday. Items for the Saturday edition must be submitted by noon the previous Tuesday. Submit calendar items to
A Maple Valley organization that rescues abused or neglected horses will host a fund-raising tack sale and raffle today.
$3,000 apiece from Rotary to graduates
Faith on Covington Community Church breakfast menu
Businesses and citizens have more than doubled the amount of donations in the last two weeks to try to keep the Fourth of July Splash fireworks show at Lake Meridian Park as big as before.
King County law enforcement is part of a regional crackdown on motorists who speed or drive while intoxicated.
Tents and fireworks stands will soon pop up in local grocery store parking lots as Independence Day approaches.
Culverts beneath roadways are out of sight and out of mind until there’s something wrong with them. Then comes the work, as in two major projects this summer in the Covington and Maple Valley areas.
Keep an eye out this weekend for crews relocating power lines on Interstate 405 as part of a larger project involving the Maple Valley Highway junction.
Submitting items: Calendars are published Wednesdays and Saturdays on a space-available basis. Items for the Wednesday edition must be submitted by noon the previous Thursday. Items for the Saturday edition must be submitted by noon the previous Tuesday. Submit calendar items to
Amateur radio communications will be demonstrated this Saturday and Sunday at Lake Wilderness Park as part of a nationwide exercise for “ham” radio operators.
Rebecca Keaton of Maple Valley, a first-year recipient, and Chirayu Patel of Covington, receiving the honor for the third year, are among 100 students in Washington who were given a combined $300,000 in scholarships this year by the National Multiple Sclerosis Society.