Open borders philosophy in editorial is wrong

The recent commentary by Brian Beckley (“Freedom for all who are here” May 14 edition) infuriated me to the point I had to write this. As the son of a legal immigrant who came through Ellis Island I am totally offended by his commentary.

The recent commentary by Brian Beckley (“Freedom for all who are here” May 14 edition) infuriated me to the point I had to write this. As the son of a legal immigrant who came through Ellis Island I am totally offended by his commentary. My father went through the indignities and learned English, became a citizen and earned everything he ever had. It may not have been much, but he earned it, he didn’t ask the government to give it to him. He sacrificed so my sisters and I could get an education. He didn’t ask for government handouts.

To show such blatant disregard for our laws and callous indifference and disrespect for those who came here the right way demonstrates a total lack of understanding of our history. It is a dishonor to all those who fought and died for this country.

Mr. Beckley’s open borders philosophy is a suicide pact. Does he realize that his desire to let everyone in, i.e. open borders, will allow terrorists (think Muslim extremists), drug runners, murderers, rapists, etc. to enter at will? He bashes conservatives and condemns the Arizona law without regard for logic. Has he even read the law? I doubt it. These people broke the law to get here. Grant them a reward – citizenship – for doing that? That’s insane. And what about the next 12 million who’ll see that they will be rewarded for disrespecting our laws? What will he do with them?

The primary responsibility of government is to protect the people. How does letting in people without knowing who they are or what they intend do that? We have to know who’s here and why. A recent investigation by an Atlanta TV station (an ABC affiliate at that) revealed that a significant number of illegal border crossers come from Middle East countries known to harbor and encourage terrorists. Doesn’t that bother him? Here’s the link to part one of that report. He might want to watch it just to get some facts instead of the propaganda he’s been ingesting.

Jerry Adam

Maple Valley