Maple Valley residents invited to attend parks open house

Members of the Maple Valley community are being asked to provide comments and ideas to the city of Maple Valley Parks and Recreation Commission that will help guide future development recommendations for two city owned park properties in Maple Valley that are undeveloped on June 25.

Members of the Maple Valley community are being asked to provide comments and ideas to the city of Maple Valley Parks and Recreation Commission that will help guide future development recommendations for two city owned park properties in Maple Valley that are undeveloped on June 25.

Please join the Commission as it discusses what to do with two specific park properties: the “Henry’s Switch” site, located at Hwy 169 and SE 288th ST., and the “216th ST/276th St.” site, located at the intersection of 216th  Ave SE and SE 276th St. that were purchased by the city for future park development over a decade ago.

The open house will begin at 6:30 p.m. at the Lake Wilderness Lodge, 22500 SE 248th Street, Maple Valley.

Residents of all ages are invited to comment and give their input about the future direction of these important City assets. Parks & Recreation Commission members and city staff will be at the open house to provide background information on the properties, answer your questions and listen to your feedback in an interactive format.

If you have questions or want more information about the open house, please contact Greg Brown at (425) 432-9953 or e-mail him at

More information about the City’s Parks, Recreation, Cultural and Human Services Plan is also available at