The Maple Valley professional firefighters have unanimously agreed to endorse and support Erin Weaver in her election for City Council Position No. 4 and Victoria Jonas in her re-election for Maple Valley City Council Position No. 6.
As public servants to the citizens of Maple Valley, we are confident in Erin’s ability to lead the future growth of our city.
Erin has gone to great lengths in building relationships with many groups, including the schools, community center, Chamber of Commerce, City Council and others. We appreciate Erin’s desire and ability to bring cooperation and coordination among these many groups so that the future growth of Maple Valley is well-planned and thought-through.
Victoria is committed to keeping our community safe and genuinely cares about the welfare of our citizens. We have enjoyed a productive working relationship over her tenure.
With 30 years of experience with the Seattle Police Department and 10 years on the Maple Valley City Council, Victoria brings a track record of fiscal responsibility and a lifetime of public service. Victoria has proven her active involvement in the countless hours she has spent in many local organizations and committees.
As Maple Valley faces significant changes in the near future, we need solid leadership and the experience Victoria offers. Victoria will continue to step up to these challenges and make the right decisions for our community.
Todd Meyer
Maple Valley firefighter