Maple Valley City Council Position 3 debate | Part 1

The Reporter will be publishing a newspaper debate during the coming weeks for the two contested Maple Valley City Council races – positions 3 and 6

The Reporter will be publishing a newspaper debate during the coming weeks for the two contested Maple Valley City Council races positions 3 and 6.

The candidates for City Council Position 3 are Kathi Turner and Les Burberry.

Councilman Layne Barnes is currently in Position 3 and he decided not to seek re-election after two terms in office.

Question 1

Describe your view of the role and responsibility of the City Council within the form of government in Maple Valley. What are the city government’s responsibilities to the business community and what is the proper relationship between government and business? What are the city government’s responsibilities to residents, and is it different from the business community?

Kathi Turner

The City Council’s role is to provide policy direction for the city and to build and maintain relationships with our neighboring cities. They are also responsible to make sure that our citizens voices are heard with our elected officials at the county, state and federal level.

Our local government should have a collaborative relationship with our Economic Development Committee and local businesses. We need to move forward in alternative approaches in business retention, industrial recruitment and entrepreneurship development. The city should use regulatory tools such as zoning and permit assistance to market Maple Valley as business friendly.

The city’s responsibility to its residents is public safety, transportation and having a fiscally responsible budget. I think that transportation is important for both business and residents. The safety of our residents and business is also a top priority. Maple Valley is a great place to live and raise a family and we need to make sure that it continues.

Les Burberry

In a city council/city manager form of government the city council is the only elected governing body, therefore it has the primary responsibility of setting direction and providing oversight. The council needs to provide a road map and clear set of priorities for the city manager and hold the manager accountable for that direction.

First and foremost a city government’s responsibilities are to citizens. But we must realize that without a robust business community a city government is crippled and its citizens suffer. A healthy city is one in which employment opportunity abounds and the opportunity for business to succeed is fostered.

The most important achievement of the next four years will be to change the city culture toward business. Leadership needs to drive a real relationship with the Chamber of Commerce. We have to stop telling business why they can’t and start working with them so they can. We have a wonderful place to live and play in Maple Valley. Working in Maple Valley needs to become the norm for our citizens as well.

Question 2

Budgets are hard. Maple Valley will be facing the need for road improvements and revenue to provide basic services.

Describe what you believe are the basic services a city must provide to its residents. Describe what services you believe residents want, expect or desire.

How will the city find the revenue for basic services, expected services and transportation improvements? Be specific. Where will the revenue streams come from and how much do you estimate they will bring to the city coffer? Do you anticipate an increase in any taxes?

Les Burberry

The leadership of the city has set the citizens on a collision course with higher taxes. The rate of spending increases and lack of urgency for balancing the budget are propelling us to this crisis. I have spoken out for two years for the need to balance our budget now and not wait until we reach the edge of the fiscal cliff. I believe we still have time to make necessary changes without draconian cuts to city services and without raising taxes. But we have to start now.

First we need to examine many of the outside consultant contracts that waste money on services that can be provided in house. Second we have to get serious about attracting small and mid-size employers into Maple Valley. Without employers in Maple Valley the tax burden is too heavy on residential homeowners. Business will broaden our total revenue base, reduce pressure on our road infrastructure going out of the city and provide daytime retail activity that will increase our sales tax base.

Kathi Turner

The basic services for our residents are public safety, economic development and transportation. Residents want/desire an active, vibrant business community and city center, recreation and city programs for all of its residents. The problem is that there will always be more demand for services than there is money.

Our city needs to stay forward thinking and continue to make tough budget decisions while finding other revenue streams for these increased services. We need to bring in business to help offset the cost to improvements in our infrastructure and to be very active in applying for grants. We also need to make sure that there are realistic fees for city run programs and services that can help offset the costs.

The finance department has the job of putting together all of the budget information and all possible revenue sources. The city has a few ways to raise money i.e. utility tax or a B &O tax. All options should be researched and nothing should happen until there is a healthy discussion with our business community and residents.