The Maple Valley City Council is recruiting individuals who are interested in serving in the capacity of Alternate Planning Commissioners. The duty of the Alternate Planning Commissioner is to attend meetings so that he/she will be prepared to fill an unanticipated vacancy. The Planning Commission meets from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. the first and third Wednesdays of each month, with occasional special meetings and workshops.
In order to qualify for this appointment, individuals must be residents of, or own property in, the City of Maple Valley. Persons should have an interest in environmental affairs, planning, land use, and residential and commercial development as evidenced by training, experience, or actions. The term of office for a Planning Commissioner position is four years and for an Alternate Planning Commissioner it is two years.
The deadline for those wishing to be considered is March 22. Applicant interviews will be scheduled shortly thereafter.
Applications are available at City Hall, 22017 SE Wax Road, Suite 200.
Questions concerning this position should be directed to Bonnie Barney, Deputy City Clerk, or Steve Clark, Director of Public Works and Community Development, at (425) 413-8800.