The King County Department of Natural Resources and Parks is looking for volunteers to serve on the Rural Forest Commission and advise the King County Executive and County Council on policies and programs pertaining to forest lands and forestry.
Created in 1997, the commission also advises King County on strategies to conserve forest lands, actions to promote the business of forestry in rural areas, and the management of county-owned forests.
“The commission provides a forum for discussion of rural viewpoints on the future of forests in the county and to convey recommendations directly to county managers and elected officials,” said Linda Vane, King County liaison to the commission.
These volunteer positions require attendance at six morning meetings a year, plus some subcommittee work. There are two vacant positions to fill.
King County residents with a working knowledge of forestry in the county, the ability to work with differing viewpoints to find solutions to complex problems, and who meet at least one of the following criteria are encouraged to apply:
A forest landowner with 40 to 500 acres of rural forestland in King County, and for whom income from forestry is an important component of total income; or
A representative of an Indian tribe in King County that is affected by county forest-related policies and regulations.
To request an application package or to learn more about the Rural Forest Commission, contact King County’s Forestry Program at 206-477-4842, email or visit the website.