Flooding is the most common winter weather disaster and one which many residents – especially new residents, refugees or non-English speakers – are unprepared. From river flooding to urban drain and stream flooding, “Be Flood Ready” is a print resource available in the top 21 languages spoken in King County.
“While we haven’t seen widespread flooding this winter, the flood season is far from over and we want to make sure language is not a barrier to people being prepared,” said Reagan Dunn, Chair of the King County Flood Control District. “We want to raise awareness about available resources and best practices so that everyone can reduce the risk of flooding to themselves, their homes and their families.”
An estimated 170 languages are spoken in King County, and the “Be Flood Ready” brochure has been translated into: Spanish, Vietnamese, Russian, Punjabi, Tagalog, Cambodian, Oromo, Hmong, Somali, Chinese, Laotian, Japanese, Hindi, French, Korean, Ukrainian, Amharic, Arabic, Farsi, Tigrinya and Samoan.
The brochure is available digitally online at kingcounty.gov/floodservices or in print by request. Requests can be sent to King County’s River and Floodplain Management team at wlr-rivers@kingcounty.gov or 206-477-4812. Interpreter services are available.
The website also has videos in the same 21 languages on flood preparedness that are available for sharing online or via social media.
The “Be Flood Ready” brochure and associated flood preparedness videos are part of the King County Flood Control District’s and King County’s annual campaign to protect public safety and minimize costly flood damage.