Monday, October 26
Metropolitan King County Council – 1:30 p.m.
–Councilmembers will proclaim the week of October 26-November 1, 2015 as Pro-Bono Week in King County.
–Councilmembers will hear public testimony during their monthly public comment period. Speakers will have two minutes to address the Council on matters relating to county government.
Councilmembers are scheduled to discuss and possibly act on:
- A motion relating to the treatment of individuals for transit violations (Substitute Motion 2015-0256.2).
- An ordinance authorizing the County Executive to execute an agreement between the County and Sound Transit for ST Express bus service operations and maintenance (Substitute Ordinance 2015-0381.2).
- An ordinance establishing a planning framework to define the process to develop a King County regional 911 strategic plan (Ordinance 2015-0403).
Tuesday, October 27
Government Accountability and Oversight Committee– 9:30 a.m.
- Status of the Implementation of Ordinance 17892 Regulating For Hire Vehicles and Drivers (Briefing No. 2015-B0205).
Law, Justice, and Emergency Management Committee – 1:30 p.m.
- Status of the County’s Recidivism Reduction and Reentry Program (Briefing No. 2015-B0204).
Wednesday, October 28
Budget and Fiscal Management Committee – 9:30 a.m.
Committee members are scheduled to discuss and possibly recommend to the full council:
- An ordinance relating to the county property tax levies for collection in 2016 (Ordinance 2015-0409).
- An ordinance relating to the 2015 levy of property taxes in king county for collection in the year 2016 (Ordinance 2015-0411).
- An ordinance renaming the department of community and human services mental health, chemical abuse and dependency services division (Ordinance 2015-0408).
“This Week at the Council” is a summary of highlights for upcoming council and committee agendas.
To read complete agendas and the full text of legislation, please visit the King County Council’s LEGISEARCH system at
Watch all Council proceedings held in chambers LIVE on King County TV on Comcast channel 22 (HD channel 322) and Wave Cable channel 22 (HD channel 722), or online at: