King County Council meeting highlights | Oct. 21-28

ouncilmembers will recognize the month of October as Cyber Security Awareness Month in King County.

Monday, October 21

Committee of the Whole – 9:30 a.m.

Committee members are scheduled to discuss and possibly recommend to the full council:

• An ordinance implementing the charter amendment creating the Department of Public Defense (Ordinance 2013-0242).


Metropolitan King County Council – 1:30 p.m.

–Councilmembers will recognize the month of October as Cyber Security Awareness Month in King County

–Councilmembers will proclaim October 20-26 as Pro Bono Week in King County

Councilmembers are scheduled to discuss and possibly act on:

• Motions confirming the reappointments of members of the King County Solid Waste Advisory Committee (Motions 2013-0445, 0454, 0451, 0452).




Follow and comment on the Council’s budget deliberations through Twitter (#KCBudget), Facebook and by visiting the King County Council Budget Web site at:


Tuesday and Wednesday, October 22-23

Budget and Fiscal Management Committee – Reconciliation Panel – 9:30 a.m.

***Special Meetings***


• Long-term General Fund Outlook and Risks (Briefing No. 2013-0141).


Committee members are scheduled to discuss:


• 2014 King County Budget (Ordinance 2013-0422).

• Fee and levy ordinances that will help support the 2014 King County budget, including:

o   An ordinance relating to the county property tax levies for collection in 2014 (Ordinance 2013-0425).

o   An ordinance relating to school impact fees (Ordinance 2013-0433).

o   An ordinance relating to the imposition of the excise tax on radio access lines in King County for the continued operations of an enhanced 911 emergency telephone system (Ordinance 2013-0432).

o   An ordinance repealing a processing fee for defendants requesting counsel at public expense (Ordinance 2013-0429).