Monday, November 30
Metropolitan King County Council – Canceled
Tuesday, December 1
Transportation, Economy and Environment Committee – 9:30 a.m.
Committee members are scheduled to discuss and possibly recommend to the full council:
- An ordinance renewing for six‑months an existing moratorium on the establishment or location of medical marijuana dispensaries and collective gardens (Ordinance 2015-0502).
- An ordinance allowing for the issuance of transit passes to AmeriCorps service members (Ordinance 2015-0451).
- An ordinance authorizing the King County executive to enter into an interlocal agreement with the city of Sammamish relating to the annexation of the Klahanie Potential Annexation Area (Ordinance 2015-0506).
- Metro/Sound Transit Preparation for March 2016 Service Changes (Briefing No. 2015-B0217).
- Review of Executive’s Public Review Draft of the 2016 Comp Plan (Briefing No. 2015-B0226).
Health, Housing and Human Services Committee – 1:30 p.m.
Committee members are scheduled to discuss and possibly recommend to the full council:
- A motion accepting a report on the sustainability of public health clinic services in future biennia, in compliance with 2015/2016 Biennial Budget Ordinance (Motion 2015-0472).
- Update on Best Starts for Kids Levy Implementation (Briefing No. 2015-B0221).
- Challenges to Civic Participation and Access for the Blind and Deaf-Blind Communities (Briefing No. 2015-B0220).
Wednesday, December 2
Committee of the Whole – Canceled
Regional Water Quality Committee – 3:00 p.m.
- City of Seattle and King County Coordination Efforts: Ship Canal Water Quality Project (Briefing No. 2015-B0224)
Thursday, December 3
Budget and Fiscal Management Committee – 11:00 a.m. ***Special Meeting***
Committee members are scheduled to discuss and possibly recommend to the full council:
- An ordinance creating the best starts for kids fund (Ordinance 2015-0497).
- An ordinance authorizing the conveyance of the surplus 191-acre Tall Chief property (Ordinance 2015-0423).
“This Week at the Council” is a summary of highlights for upcoming council and committee agendas.
To read complete agendas and the full text of legislation,
please visit the King County Council’s LEGISEARCH system at
Watch all Council proceedings held in chambers LIVE on King County TV
on Comcast channel 22 (HD channel 322) and Wave Cable channel 22 (HD channel 722),
or online at: