Monday, January 26
King County Flood Control District Executive Committee – 1:30 p.m.
***Special meeting location*** The committee will meet in the Southwest Conference Room, 12th Flr, King County Courthouse
Committee members are scheduled to discuss and possibly recommend to the full Flood District Board of Supervisors:
• A resolution approving capital project alignments for certain Green River Project Areas and Subareas; and adopting policies for certain Green River Areas.
• Lower Tolt River Corridor Planning Update.
Metropolitan King County Council – 1:30 p.m.
–Councilmembers will hear public testimony during their monthly public comment period. Speakers will have two minutes to address Councilmembers on matters relating to county government.
Councilmembers are scheduled to discuss and possibly act on:
• A motion adopting the King County 2015 (FY 2016) Federal Legislative Agenda and King County 2015 (FY 2016) Federal Policy Interests (Motion 2014-0470).
• An ordinance making an emergency appropriation of $59,000 from the general fund to the community services operating fund, and $111,000 from the general fund to the facilities management internal services fund to provide additional funds for operating the King County Men’s Homeless Winter Shelter (Ordinance 2015-0043).
Tuesday, January 27
Government Accountability and Oversight Committee – 9:30 a.m.
• Annual report and briefing from Chair of the Citizens’ Election Oversight Committee (Briefing No. 2015-B0017).
Law, Justice and Health and Human Services Committee – 1:30 p.m.
Committee members are scheduled to discuss and possibly recommend to the full council:
• An ordinance related to noise provisions (Ordinance 2014-0480).
• Status of 2015 audit projects pertaining to emergency management programs and issues (Briefing No. 2015-B0016).
Wednesday, January 28
Budget and Fiscal Management Committee – 1:00 p.m. ***Special Meeting***
Committee members are scheduled to discuss and possibly recommend to the full council:
• An ordinance approving the development contract for capital project 1117106, DES FMD Children and Family Justice Center, as required by the 2013 Annual Budget Ordinance, Ordinance 17476, Section 63, Expenditure Restriction ER 5, as amended (Ordinance 2014-0486).
• An ordinance providing for the submission to voters in April a proposition authorizing a property tax levy for the capitol transition and financing cost for the Puget Sound emergency radio network project (Ordinance 2015-0016).
Thursday, January 29
Transportation, Economy and Environment Committee – 9:30 a.m. ***Special meeting***
Committee members are scheduled to discuss and possibly recommend to the full council:
• An ordinance approving a transit service funding agreement with the city of Seattle (Ordinance 2015-0039).
• An ordinance approving service changes for June 2015 and September 2015 that will be funded by the city of Seattle through a transit service funding agreement with King County (Ordinance 2015-0040).
• A motion relating to the establishment of a regional stakeholder transit task force and adopting a task force work plan (Motion 2015-0041).
• A motion relating to a report on the criteria, guidelines and policy implications for transit service agreements (Motion 2015-0042).
“This Week at the Council” is a summary of highlights for upcoming council and committee agendas.
To read complete agendas and the full text of legislation,
please visit the King County Council’s LEGISEARCH system at
Watch all Council proceedings held in chambers LIVE on King County TV
on Comcast and Wave Cable on channel 22, or online at: