• PG – Parental Guidance Required
Raising kids in today’s world is no easy job. Let’s face it, the issues parents and kids face can be scary and parenting is one of the toughest jobs around. How do you communicate with your kids? Protect them at school and on the Internet? Set limits? Say no?
Join Lani Eylander (an educator with 20 years of experience as a teacher and principal) teaches how to set boundaries, build relationships and bolster our courage while raising happy, healthy kids.
This class is scheduled 6:30 p.m. Monday.
• Want Financial Freedom?
With the economy in shambles, 401Ks plummeting and foreclosures on the rise, people everywhere are looking for ways to make every last penny count. In fact, 70 percent of us are living paycheck to paycheck, according to the Wall Street Journal.
“Financial Freedom” is a five-session, interactive course that will help you understand the forces behind your financial distress and teach you the ABC’s of establishing a household budget, basic investment strategies and provide a clear and thoughtful approach to living debt-free in any economy.
Class starts 6:30 p.m. Monday, Oct 5 will meet every other Monday.
• Looking for Work?
This job coaching session will help you learn the skills you really need to find a good job. Create a life of less stress, better sleep, more energy and empowering choices. Feel confident in your communication skills with prospective employers. In this session you will learn tips on how to:
gain clarity, focus and direction; improve your resume and cover letter; find a job in today’s tough economy; succeed at job interviews and claim a better work/life balance.
Taught by Keri Saez, M.S., CPC, personal excellence coach and by William Borland, CFA.
This session is scheduled for 9:30 p.m. Monday, Oct. 5.
Classes are held at The Garage in the Park Place building near Summit Gymnastics, 23175 224th Pl S.E., Ste F, Maple Valley.
For questions or to register for any of these free classes, call 425-432-1359 or e-mail, ClassRegister@me.com.
The classes are hosted by New Community Church.