Firework incidents down in Kent this year

The Kent Regional Fire Authority saw a drop in fireworks related incidents this year compared to last year

The Kent Regional Fire Authority saw a drop in fireworks related incidents this year compared to last year.

Between July 1 and 5 the Kent Fire Department responded to just six emergency calls where fireworks were involved. Four of the calls were brush fires or other burning material caused by fireworks. The other two calls were aid calls involving fireworks related burns.

All of the brush fires were small and caused minimal damage. Also, all of the brush fires were started by fireworks being discharged by neighbors, not the property owners.

Both aid calls for burns were to the hands and were non-life threatening. One was caused by a child holding a sparkler and the other due to a teen holding an exploding firework in his hands. In both cases the injuries took place on July 5.

This reduction in emergency responses and damage is significant and can be attributed, in part, to the efforts of the Kent Police Department and the Fire Investigation Unit of the Kent Fire Department. Working together, officers and investigators confiscated illegal fireworks and legal fireworks being discharged prior to the 4 cases, people were also cited. Fines for illegal fireworks use or possession can exceed $1,000.

Kent Fire Investigators collected and destroyed over 300 pounds of fireworks this year.