Mr. Elfers clearly needs to research Thomas Jefferson, who most certainly is not the “founder of the democratic party.” The party of Jefferson was called Democratic-Republican Party, which fought against the Federalists of John Adams & Alexander Hamilton, who believed in big government (like today’s Democratic Party). Jefferson would be appalled at the left-wing activists of today’s Democratic Party who raise everybody’s taxes incessantly, expand government at every level, write rules/regulations restricting our freedoms and seem to be inhabited by deviant, self-serving, mis-guided people who fight against every principle of Jefferson as set forth in his numerous letters & written documents (all available for everyone to read at your public library). Today’s Republicans are in a bind on the immigration issue only because Democrats will not uphold our laws because they want to increase the millions of dependant people receiving your tax revenue, and voting for the hand that feeds them. Wise up, everyone (including Rich Elfers).
Peter M. Hawley