Steven Morriss, 15, was awarded his Eagle Scout rank on Feb. 27 at a board of review. He has been a member of Troops 787 and 707 (Maple Valley’s oldest troop), since he was 8 years old. He earned his Arrow of Light, the highest rank for a Cub Scout. He has completed 22 merit badges and has a goal to do more merit badges and service, which will earn him additional palms. He accomplished his final eagle requirements on his own time frame.
His Eagle Scout project was to assemble 39 stackable boxes for displaying nativities on different levels at the annual Community Crèche Exhibit in Maple Valley. This annual exhibit features over 500 nativities from around the world; as well as artwork, live music, a live indoor nativity, children’s photos and activities, and refreshments. His boxes are very sturdy and will be used for years to come.
He is the 3rd son of Gary and Barbara Morriss to complete his Eagle Rank. He is a 9th grader at the Tahoma Junior High School and has attended Tahoma schools since kindergarten. He has been involved in band, playing the trombone and has always been on the honor roll. He has played community soccer since he was 6 and is currently on the freshman boys’ soccer team at Tahoma.
He is a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Maple Valley and has held many leadership positions in his quorum. Before school each day, he attends an early morning seminary class at 6:10 a.m. He exemplifies all of the scout characteristics required to be an Eagle Scout.