Crestwood, Glacier Park singled out Earth ‘heroes’ at schools honored

Students and schools in Covington and Maple Valley have received King County Earth Heroes awards for their actions on behalf of the environment.

Students and schools in Covington and Maple Valley have received King County Earth Heroes awards for their actions on behalf of the environment.

During a ceremony April 24 at Maplewood Greens Golf Course, the awards were presented to Christopher Katsafanas and Evan Sullivan of Crestwood Elementary School in Covington and to Glacier Park Elementary School of Maple Valley.

Officials said that for three years, Katsafanas and Sullivan have played a vital role in the school’s composting program. The students were involved in collecting and weighing food scraps and documenting the waste diverted from the landfill. They shared their findings with other students and Crestwood’s teachers.

At Glacier Park, principal Emilie Hard, custodian Connie Jo Erickson and teacher Shanda Sciacqua, along with the after-school student Green Team, spearheaded efforts to improve the school’s conservation practices, according to officials. The school started programs to recycle milk cartons and cafeteria food scraps, and gave information to the community about greenhouse gas emissions and alternative forms of transportation.

Countywide, the Earth Heroes at School awards recognized 11 teachers, two individual students and a team of students, plus two maintenance works and nine school programs. Their award-winning projects included food scrap composting, carbon dioxide emissions reduction, sustainable landscape and gardening practices, and science studies that encourage environmental leadership.

County Executive Ron Sims, who presented the awards at the ceremony at Maplewood Greens, said the recipients “share a dedication to educating young people and others about the importance of being committed stewards of our earth and its resources.”

Information about the Earth Heroes at School program is available at and (206) 296-4477.