Chat with Covington city staff at forum April 28

Covington has set up an informal forum for its residents to offer input on a variety of topics at 7 p.m., Wednesday, April 28, in City Council Chambers at Covington City Hall. The forum is a chance for citizens to talk to city staff and learn about topics that are of concern as the agenda is specifically tailored to current issues in Covington.

Covington has set up an informal forum for its residents to offer input on a variety of topics at 7 p.m., Wednesday, April 28, in City Council Chambers at Covington City Hall.

The forum is a chance for citizens to talk to city staff and learn about topics that are of concern as the agenda is specifically tailored to current issues in Covington.

On the agenda for discussion is animal control as cities including Covington try to determine their options once King County no longer offers this service, fireworks within the city limits, police and crime concerns among other issues.

There will also be an update on city events as well as a question and answer session.

Residents are encouraged to bring their questions and their neighbors.