A ribbon cutting ceremony to officially re-open Cedar to Green River (Lake Wilderness) Trail will be at at 5:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Oct. 26.
The project trail improvements start at Kent Kangley Road by state Route 169 and extends to the Burlington Northern – Santa Fe Railroad crossing.
The improvements provide a 10 foot wide compacted gravel multi-purpose trail on the abandoned Columbia and King County Parks right-of-way.
At the southerly terminus of the project, the trail will connect to the existing trail within the Glacier Valley residential neighborhood, which runs parallel to the railroad right-of-way.
Other project elements include ADA ramps, trail signage and bollards to prevent non-maintenance vehicles from accessing the trail.
Crossings of Southeast 276th Street and Southeast 280th Street will be directed to the intersection crosswalks at state Route 169.
The project is an extension of the King County Cedar to Green River regional trail.
The project was designed by PACE engineers under the oversight of the city of Maple Valley Public Works Department. The construction is being overseen by King County. The construction bid came in at $78,850 and will be paid from grant funds and by the city of Maple Valley.