Best defense for women class offered by Pacific Martial Arts Academy

Maple Valley Parks and Recreation offers "The Best Defenses for Women” training program from Pacific Martial Arts Academy from 6-9 p.m. June 15. The cost is $39. The class challenges students by developing mental, physical and emotional responses to threats and aggression. Studies show women who are willing to resist an attacker are more likely to escape injury.

Maple Valley Parks and Recreation offers “The Best Defenses for Women” training program from Pacific Martial Arts Academy from 6-9 p.m. June 15. The cost is $39.

The class challenges students by developing mental, physical and emotional responses to threats and aggression. Studies show women who are willing to resist an attacker are more likely to escape injury.

The workshop will focus on understanding and prevention, avoidance and de-escalation and practical physical resistance.

The class is open to women ages 12 and up.

Class is limited to 10 participants. Call 425-432-9953 for information or to sign up.