The Tahoma High School Drama Department presents “Once on this Island” running April 30, May 1, 6-8 at the Tahoma Middle School Theatre, 24425 SE 216th Way, Maple Valley.
All performances are at 7 p.m. except for a matinee Saturday, May 1 at 2 p.m.
The play is directed by Melissa Corby, with music direction by Ken Riggs and choreography by Kelley Terwillegar.
Set designer is by Micheal Hamann and costume design by Rawna Hamann.
The book and lyrics are by Lynn Ahrens and music by Stephen Flaherty.
Tickets are $5-$9 at the door.
This is the drama club’s second production of the year.
The club puts on a fall play and a spring play every school year.
For information go to the school’s website.