
Solomon’s Secret Review – Should You Buy?

Solomon’s Secret is a new ED supplement designed to target an “erection center” at the base of your spine.

By taking Solomon’s Secret daily, you can purportedly enjoy harder, longer-lasting erections without the side effects of Viagra or other ED medication.

Is Solomon’s Secret legit? How does Solomon’s Secret reverse ED and paralysis? Keep reading our review to learn about Solomon’s Secret and how it works today.

What is Solomon’s Secret?

Solomon’s Secret is an erectile dysfunction (ED) supplement available exclusively online through GetSolomonsStiffySecret.com.

As part of a 2024 promotion, Solomon’s Secret is priced at 50% off the ordinary retail rate. Instead of paying the ordinary retail price of $149 per bottle, you’ll pay just $69 per bottle or less.

Each capsule of Solomon’s Secret contains a blend of saffron extract, horny goat weed, L-citrulline, and other natural ingredients. Some of these ingredients trace their roots to Biblical times and the era of Solomon, while others are backed by modern research on aging US military veterans.

Solomon’s Secret was developed by a doctor named Dr. Frank Rengel. Dr. Rengel has years of experience treating patients with ED and has found that certain natural ingredients help with ED more than others. He added many of those ingredients to Solomon’s Secret.

Solomon’s Secret Benefits

Some of the benefits of Solomon’s Secret, according to the official website, include:

  • Get harder, stronger, longer-lasting erections on command
  • Boost vitality, energy, and overall youthful energy
  • Works on all ages, regardless of blood pressure, blood sugar, and other problems
  • Created by Dr. Frank Rengel
  • Manufactured in the United States
  • It comes with a 60-day moneyback guarantee

Buy Solomon’s Secret today and start enjoying the benefits!

How Does Solomon’s Secret Work?

Solomon’s Secret targets a tiny bundle of nerves at the base of your spine. The makers of Solomon’s Secret call it your “erection center.”

This erection center is so powerful it can purportedly reverse paralysis. Men who were previously paralyzed stimulated their erection center and were able to walk again. They also regained their erections.

The makers of Solomon’s Secret, including Dr. Frank, advise against Viagra and other erection dysfunction medications. Dr. Frank claims he’s surprised these pills are even legal.

Viagra and other ED pills are dangerous because they destroy your erection center over time, according to Dr. Frank, ultimately making it impossible to get an erection. They force you to rely on these blue and yellow pills for the rest of your life.

Solomon’s Secret works differently. It helps you get hard quickly and automatically using natural ingredients – like saffron and L-citrulline.

Who Created Solomon’s Secret? About Dr. Frank Rengel

Businesspeople or digital marketers create many nutritional supplements with no valid medical experience. Solomon’s Secret, however, was created by a real doctor named Dr. Frank Rengel.

It’s unclear what type of doctor Dr. Frank is. However, he appears to have years of experience treating patients with ED and other types of sexual function.

One day, a man named Michael and his wife Mary came into Dr. Frank’s office complaining that ED was ruining their marriage. Dr. Frank told Michael about a secret formula, traced to King Solomon and Biblical times, he used to reverse ED in patients:

“I’ve spent years refining Solomon’s ancient formula…every ingredient is natural and safe.”

Michael tried the formula, found it worked, and decided to help Dr. Frank share it with the world by partnering with a Utah-based supplement company.

Visit official website to learn about Solomon’s Secret >>>

Solomon’s Secret Comes from King Solomon

The ingredients in Solomon’s Secret date back to King Solomon, who purportedly had a “stunning stiffening solution” he would drink out of a golden goblet each morning.


King Solomon used that beverage to please his 1,000+ wives – even well into old age.

King Solomon, however, wasn’t the first to discover the ancient concoction. According to Dr. Frank and the Solomon’s Secret team, other historical figures used the same ingredients to promote sexual performance:

  • Queen Cleopatra later used King Solomon’s legendary beverage and would famously have sex with members of her court and slaves for hours.
  • Years later, King Edward III of England pleased his dozens of mistresses at 64 years old.
  • Meanwhile, Cyrus the Great of Persia achieved “legendary erections into his 70s,” according to the official Solomon’s Secret website.

Inspired by these historical figures, Dr. Frank decided to create a modern ED supplement using similar ingredients, including legendary spices like saffron, which have been used since ancient times.

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What to Expect After Taking Solomon’s Secret: Michael’s Experience

Michael, the man who initially visited Dr. Frank for ED treatment, was one of the first to try Dr. Frank’s newest ED formula.

Here’s what happened when Michael tried an early version of Solomon’s Secret for the first time:

On the first and second days of taking Solomon’s Secret, Michael experienced no noticeable changes.

On the third day, however, Michael noticed a surging sex drive as soon as he came back home after work.

Michael felt his “bulging manhood pressing against the seams of his pants” when he saw his wife, Mary. He came home from work and made passionate love to Mary. They had one of the greatest nights of their entire marriage. They had sex for two hours. Michael saw a look of total satisfaction on his wife’s face for the first time in years, claiming they “went at it like our honeymoon.”

Michael found he had rock-solid confidence. He knew his manhood would spring into action whenever he needed it to. He felt like he could please 1,000 women – even though he only needed to please one.

Michael claims young women began checking him out when he left the house and would make an excuse to talk to him.

Michael resolved all his marriage problems with Solomon’s Secret. His wife stopped nagging him because he could better please her in bed.

After testing the supplement on Michael, Dr. Frank knew he had a winning ED formula on his hand.

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Solomon’s Secret Ingredients

Solomon’s Secret contains a blend of science-backed ingredients. Some ingredients have roots in ancient times, like King Solomon’s. Others date back to the last century of scientific research.


Here are the first four active ingredients in Solomon’s Secret and how they work, according to the official website:

  • Red Gold: Red gold is an “ancient erection ingredient” used by kings and emperors thousands of years ago. It helped them please their wives at any age. Today, we know it better as saffron or as the formal name, Crocus sativus. It’s more valuable, by weight, than gold. Armies once fought battles over this botanical. Today, big pharma “is pissed about red gold,” according to the makers of Solomon’s Secret, because studies show it gives you more frequent erections, longer-lasting erections, and harder erections from the base to the tip. Dr. Frank and his team claim to source their crocus sativa from a “small farm” known to produce some of the last pure red gold in the world.
  • Phoenix Dactylifera: In ancient Egypt, pharaohs added “phoenix D” to their wine to enhance erections. In one study, researchers gave 128 couples phoenix D or a placebo. Men in the Phoenix D group experienced improvements in erection quality, intercourse satisfaction, arousal, and orgasm intensity, among other areas of sexual performance. Today, the plant is more commonly known as date palm. Extracts of the date palm tree – including the fruit extract itself – have been used in traditional remedies for centuries.
  • Trigonella Foenum Graecum: 4,000 years ago, Egyptian pharaohs believed this ingredient was the secret to sexual immorality, helping men boost sexual performance at any age. Today, it’s known to promote sexual health and wellness, even at small doses. In one study cited by Dr. Frank, the plant extract was shown to make a group of 70-year-old men get as hard as 25-year-olds. The plant is better known as fenugreek, and it’s found in many sexual health remedies available today.
  • Devil’s Thorn: The fourth and final ingredient in Solomon’s Secret also traces its roots to ancient Egypt. Dr. Frank cites studies showing it boosts libido, improves partner satisfaction, and boosts overall sexual performance in multiple ways. Today, we know the plant extract better as tribulus terrestris. It’s the second-largest ingredient in Solomon’s Secret (375mg per serving).

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The first four ingredients worked well to activate the erection center. Dr. Frank claims to have tested it on a group of 27 men, and 24 of those men had better erections after taking the supplement.

The 89% success rate was good, but Dr. Frank knew it could be better. Dr. Frank tested the three men who didn’t achieve results. He found Solomon’s Secret activated the erection centers of these men, which should have worked to boost erections. However, these three men also had clogged penile arteries, nullifying the effects.

To help clear penile blockage and reverse ED even better, Dr. Frank added nine additional botanical ingredients to the supplement, including:

  • L-Citrulline: L-citrulline “dramatically improves blood flow,” according to Dr. Frank. There’s 500mg of L-citrulline in each two-capsule serving of Solomon’s Secret, making it the largest ingredient in the supplement. L-citrulline is an amino acid best known for its effects on blood flow. Some take it before a workout, for example, to boost exercise performance. Others take it daily for ED and heart health.
  • Horny Goat Weed: Like many sexual health supplements marketed to men, Solomon’s Secret contains horny goat weed, or epimedium sagittatum (also known as yin yang huo or barrenwort). It’s prized for its effects on libido and blood flow. Dr. Frank also claims it has a protective effect around the arteries, helping to boost blood flow. Horny goat weed is also rich in icariin, a natural molecule that appears connected to antioxidant effects. Horny goat weed (labeled as “epimedium extract”) is the first ingredient in the 140mg Solomon’s Secret proprietary blend.
  • Sabal Fructus Berries: These berries “work in the exact same way” as Viagra and other popular ED medications, according to Dr. Frank. Better known as saw palmetto berries, Sabal fructus berries appear to work because they’re packed with natural antioxidants linked to blood flow and sexual function.
  • Pasak Buni: Pasak buni “naturally boosts free testosterone by 37%”. Testosterone is the primary male sex hormone, and it’s closely linked to the development of male characteristics. Testosterone is also linked to muscle mass, libido, erection quality, and overall male energy. Pasak buni can purportedly boost testosterone circulating your body, helping to boost male performance. The plant extract is typically known as tongkat ali or its formal name, Eurycoma longifolia.
  • Dioscorea Villosa: This plant, better known as wild yam, addresses the inflammation that causes penis plaque and blood flow issues, according to Dr. Frank. Some men have plaque buildup in the arteries around their penis, making it difficult to get an erection. Taking Dioscorea villosa daily could purportedly support healthy inflammation and promote blood flow.
  • Maca: Popular in South America, maca is one of the best-known fertility-boosting herbs on the planet. Although studies are mixed, many men take maca daily for vitality and its purported effects on fertility.
  • Sarsaparilla: Solomon’s Secret contains sarsaparilla, which has a long history of use in traditional remedies for male vitality. Some even believe it has erectogenic effects. Others find it helps with sex drive or even testosterone.
  • Nettle Leaf: Nettle leaf, also known as stinging nettle extract, is rumored to help with prostate health and testosterone. One study found a combination of nettle leaf and other ingredients helped to boost hormone balance in a group of male college athletes.
  • Boron: The 13th and final ingredient in Solomon’s Secret is boron. Although King Solomon didn’t know about boron, studies suggest the mineral can help adjust testosterone and estradiol production, which could help boost free testosterone circulation.

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After giving the new and improved formula to the group of three men, Dr. Frank observed incredible effects: all three were able to supercharge sexual performance. Meanwhile, the original 24 men enjoyed even more powerful effects.

Ultimately, Dr. Frank’s formula had a 100% success rate in a trial involving 27 men, motivating him to release the ED supplement to the world. He packed all of the ingredients above into a gelatin capsule with rice flour, and he now sells it to men with ED and sexual dysfunction.

How to Take Solomon’s Secret

Dr. Frank and his team recommend taking two small capsules of Solomon’s Secret daily, although you should start with one capsule for your first week:

  • Start by taking one capsule of Solomon’s Secret per day for the 1st week with breakfast
  • After the 1st week, start taking a 2nd dose in the evening for maximum efficacy

If you take one or two capsules of Solomon’s Secret daily, you should enjoy powerful results. Dr. Frank claims many men experience noticeable improvements within just three days. And, because you don’t need to take it immediately before sex, Solomon’s Secret allows you to restore spontaneity in your sex life.

What to Expect After Taking Solomon’s Secret

From boosted sex drive to better libido and more, men have experienced a range of benefits after taking Solomon’s Secret.

Here are some of the results you could experience with the supplement, according to Dr. Frank and the official Solomon’s Secret website:

  • Get an Automatic, Effortless Erection As Long As You Need: The primary goal of Solomon’s Secret is to activate the erection center at the base of your spine, allowing you to get hard erections on command without effort. Dr. Frank claims you can get a “rock hard c*ck, on command, just like when you were 18.
  • Works Regardless of Health Conditions: Solomon’s Secret can give you harder erections even with high blood sugar, high blood pressure, and other serious health problems.
  • Safe to Use with No Major Side Effects: According to the official Solomon’s Secret website, the supplement has “no known serious adverse effects.” In fact, Dr. Frank and his team specifically selected the ingredients in Solomon’s Secret to work without side effects, claiming it was built with “safety first” – unlike Viagra and other ED medication.
  • Promote Artery & Heart Health via Anti-Inflammatory & Antioxidant Effects: Many of the ingredients in Solomon’s Secret have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects, helping to promote heart health, blood flow, and artery health. If your blood can’t pump effectively, then you won’t be able to get an erection, no matter how many supplements you take.
  • Powerful Results Within 3 Days:Your boners are going to get hard very quickly” after taking Solomon’s Secret, according to the official website. Dr. Frank claims you’ll notice powerful results within three days of using the formula for the first time. The ingredients accumulate over six weeks, at which point results will peak and stay at their peak for months into the future.
  • Boost Libido: Many men find they have a higher sex drive after taking Solomon’s Secret. In fact, the makers of Solomon’s Secret claim you’ll have a “turbocharged, raging sex drive” after taking the supplement. The natural ingredients include horny goat weed and other plant extracts – many of which have been used for centuries in natural libido-boosting tonics.
  • Enhance Confidence: Many men walk taller after taking Solomon’s Secret. Boosting sexual vitality can make you more confident. Some find they’re better at talking to women with the supplement, while others experience renewed attention from partners, wives, and girlfriends.

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Paralyzed World War II Soldiers Got Erections After Activating Their Central Nervous System

According to the official Solomon’s Secret website, the formula traces its history to a group of researchers who tested some of the ingredients on a group of partially paralyzed World War II veterans, finding it had miraculous results.

The study was titled The Central Mechanisms of Sexual Function, and it was led by Dr. Irwin Goldstein, MD, and published by the Boston University School of Medicine’s Sexual Medicine department. Here’s how the study worked:

Dr. Goldstein found targeting specific areas of the central nervous system could reverse ED in people with paralysis and other spinal cord issues.

His research indicated an erection was a “carefully orchestrated series of events controlled by the CNS [central nervous system].” Your penis is under complete control of the CNS, both during sexual arousal and at rest.

When you’re paralyzed, you have nervous system issues, or have an injured spinal cord, you typically struggle to get an erection.

However, studies show switching off the sympathetic nervous system can enhance erections, allowing you to get “reflexive” or unconscious erections. You get these types of erections at night.

As proof, Dr. Goldstein cited studies on a group of World War II soldiers with spinal cord injuries. Prior to treatment, these men were believed to have permanent and complete ED. However, Dr. Goldstein found activating parts of the nervous system allowed these men to get an erection and have sex – even if they had partial or total paralysis throughout the rest of the body.

Dr. Frank built off this research, suggesting men have an “erection center” at the base of the spine that could give you harder erections and help you walk again – even if you’re paralyzed. He identified a series of natural ingredients to activate this erection center.

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Scientific Evidence for Solomon’s Secret

Solomon’s Secret was developed by a doctor, Dr. Frank Rengel, who appears to have experience directly treating patients with ED and other types of sexual dysfunction. The official Solomon’s Secret website also cites 30+ studies connecting the ingredients within the formula to powerful effects. We’ll review the science behind Solomon’s Secret below.

The largest ingredient in Solomon’s Secret is L-citrulline. There are 500mg of L-citrulline in each capsule serving of Solomon’s Secret. A 2011 Urology study found taking 1.5g (three times the dose in Solomon’s Secret) of L-citrulline per day could help with ED nearly as well as PDE-5 inhibitors (drugs like Viagra and others work as PDE-5 inhibitors).

The second largest ingredient in Solomon’s Secret is Tribulus terrestris, at 375mg per serving. Commonly found in testosterone supplements, Tribulus terrestris was found to significantly improve International Index of Erectile Function (IIEF) scores in a recent trial.

The third largest ingredient in Solomon’s Secret is maca. Although Dr. Frank seems to dislike supplements with maca, he added the popular root extract to his formula. Formally known as Lepidium meyenii, maca was shown to support sexual function in men and women in one recent meta-analysis.

The remaining ingredients in Solomon’s Secret are found in smaller doses and may not be large enough to provide significant effects. Nevertheless, science suggests they could boost sexual performance. For example, Saffron (crocus sativa) was found to help treat ED in a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Date palm seed, another unique ingredient in Solomon’s Secret, was found to help infertile couples boost sexual function in a 2024 study.

Overall, Solomon’s Secret is marketed as a doctor-formulated blend of science-backed ingredients to reverse ED and boost sexual function.

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Solomon’s Secret Reviews

The official Solomon’s Secret website features reviews from men who have experienced significant improvements in sexual health and performance after taking the supplement.

Here are some of the reviews shared by verified users on the official website:

Michael, one of the first people to take Solomon’s Secret, claims he had severe ED before taking the supplement. After taking the formula for just three days, however, he came home and made love to his wife for two hours. He attributes the supplement to revitalizing his sex life and saving his marriage.

One woman claims her marriage was “miserable” and her husband’s penis “was dead as a dodo” before taking Solomon’s Secret. Now, they have sex up to three times per night thanks to the supplement.

One customer was worried he would never have a good sex life as a single man because of his ED. After taking Solomon’s Secret for six weeks, however, his penis “gets as hard as my college days” thanks to the supplement.

Another verified user claims his penis “has come roaring back to life and every weekend is like a second honeymoon” after taking Solomon’s Secret. At 64 years old, he’s having some of the best sex of his life.

Overall, Solomon’s Secret appears to have helped many men restore sexual function, boost erection quality, and perform better in bed.

Solomon’s Secret Pricing

Solomon’s Secret is priced at $49 to $69 per bottle, depending on the number of bottles you order. The ordinary retail price is $149.

According to Solomon’s Secret creator Dr. Frank Rengel, the formula initially cost $750 per bottle to make because of the rarity of ingredients. However, Dr. Rengel worked with a Utah-based manufacturer to lower costs.

The manufacturer initially wanted to charge $300 per bottle based on creation costs. However, you can pay much less as part of a 2024 promotion where they’re “utterly disregarding our profits.”

Here’s how pricing works when ordering Solomon’s Secret online today:

  • 1 Bottle: $69 + $8.95 Shipping
  • 3 Bottles: $177 ($59 Per Bottle) + Free Shipping
  • 6 Bottles: $294 ($49 Per Bottle) + Free Shipping

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Each bottle contains 60 capsules or 30 servings. You take two capsules daily for ED.

Signing up for Solomon’s Secret’s auto-ship program will save you an additional 10% off the prices above.


All purchases come with a mandatory 14-day trial to a sexual health subscription service. After your 14-day trial, you’ll be charged $19.98 per week ($1,039 per year, billed monthly at $79.92 per month) until you cancel):

“Free” Bonus: Become Supernatural: Extreme Sexual Performance Secrets with Playboy Radio Host & Sex Expert Jessica J (14-Day Trial, Then $79.92 Per Month): All purchases come with a mandatory 14-day trial to a weekly sex tips subscription program. You’ll get modules and training programs to help you perform your best in bed.

After your 14-day trial, you’ll pay $79.92 monthly ($19.98 per week, charged monthly) until you cancel. You can call the company to cancel at any time.

Solomon’s Secret Refund Policy

Solomon’s Secret has a 90-day money-back guarantee. To receive a refund, you must return the bottle, even if empty, within 90 days of your ordering date.

However, if you order six bottles of Solomon’s Secret, you qualify for a “triple back satisfaction guarantee.” Under this guarantee, you can keep any bottles of Solomon’s Secret, receive a full refund, and receive a complimentary bottle of the sexual health supplement of your choice, courtesy of Mindbody Research.

Order Solomon’s Secret today and be glad you did!

About Mindbody Research

Solomon’s Secret was developed by a doctor named Dr. Frank Rengel. Dr. Frank partnered with Mindbody Research, a Utah-based manufacturer, to develop the formula in bulk to reduce costs.

Previously, Dr. Frank worked with a partner named Michael, who brewed the formula in his home and shared it with couples in his community.

Today, Solomon’s Secret is manufactured in an FDA-registered, GMP-certified facility in the United States. Each batch is also tested for purity, potency, and quality at a third-party lab.

Dr. Rengel and his team chose “Solomon’s Secret” to honor King Solomon. They admit the name is corny, but they like the connection – and they like how it doesn’t explicitly refer to ED, allowing men to take it discreetly.

According to the official Solomon’s Secret website, some ingredients come from “Persian farms,” or farms in Iran. The United States has held sanctions against Iran since 1979, prohibiting many types of commerce between Americans and Iranians.

You can contact the makers of Solomon’s Secret and the customer service team via the following:

  • Email: help@mindbodyresearch.com
  • Phone: 878-877-8784
  • Mailing Address: 13423 Blanco Rd PMB 8024, San Antonio, TX 78216

Final Word

Solomon’s Secret is a new sexual health and performance supplement developed by Dr. Frank Rengel and marketed to men with erectile dysfunction.

By taking two capsules of Solomon’s Secret daily, men can purportedly supercharge their ability to get an erection on command. The formula contains L-citrulline, saffron, horny goat weed, and other active ingredients.

Visit the official website to learn more about Solomon’s Secret and how it helps with ED or to buy the supplement online today.
