The Black Diamond Labor Day parade avoided the rain with a 10 a.m. start and plenty of entries for the people on the street to enjoy.
The parade began with the presentation of flags while Jessica Eames sang the Star Spangle Banner from the announcer’s platform.
People attending the Labor Day activities had to dodge rain drops all weekend, but it did not stop the fun, which included Doggie Day events, a pie backing contest, a pie eating and watermelon eating contest.
The following are awards presented to citizens and pie baking contest winners
• Miss Black Diamond
Stephanie Greenside
• Hometown Hero
Eddie Dussert
He was awarded a Silver Star for his bravery in a rescue attempt in Korea.
• Business Owner of the Year
Ted Strand, Lake Sawyer Grocery
• Citizen of the Year
Ginger Passarelli Senecal
Pie baking contest winners
• Youths, age 12 and under
1.Tessa Miller, 11, blueberry
2.Kelsey Webb, 7, blueberry/peach
• Men
1.Bruce Laing, Hobart blackberry
2.Sam Ostgard, funny cake pie
3.Dale Jenson, plum
• Women
1.Karin Powell, raspberry/almond
2.Stephanie Greenside, strawberry/rhubarb crunch
3.Frances Miller, apple/caramel/walnut