Rainier Youth Choirs Summer Day Camp Aug. 18-21

Rainier Youth Choirs will host their third annual Summer Day Camp August 18th through 21st for singers entering grades four through eight.

Rainier Youth Choirs will host their third annual Summer Day Camp August 18th through 21st for singers entering grades four through eight. Campers will participate in educational clinics, fun activities, and group rehearsals 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. each day at First Evangelical Presbyterian Church on the Kent East Hill. Participants get to explore different musical skills such as rhythms, drumming, keyboarding, movement, theater games, and singing then perform for their families and the community during a free evening concert on August 21st.

Rainier Youth Choirs is an affordable, family-friendly organization with no religious affiliation that offers a choral music education and performance program. Three different age and skill level choirs are available for singers in 4th through 14th grade. RYC members learn the finest repertoire, music reading skills, music theory, presentation skills, and are offered regular touring opportunities.

The $50 RYC Summer Day Camp fee includes all clinic materials, a camp T-shirt, and daily lunch. Registration opens April 25th. To get more information about attending the camp or auditioning to join RYC visit www.RainierYouthChoirs.org, call 253-347-0180, or e-mail info@rainieryouthchoirs.org. Camp space is limited, so register early.