Rainier Youth choirs auditions through Sept. 4

Singers grade four through 20 years-old are invited to schedule an informal audition for Rainier Youth Choirs. RYC, a non-profit, family-friendly organization, is gaining recognition as an exceptional choral music education program.


Singers grade four through 20 years-old are invited to schedule an informal audition for Rainier Youth Choirs. RYC, a non-profit, family-friendly organization, is gaining recognition as an exceptional choral music education program.

Rainier Youth Choirs includes three choirs: Bella Voce for treble singers in grades 4 and up, no training needed; Colla Voce for experienced treble boys and girls in grades 6 and up; and Consonare for experienced soprano, alto, tenor, and bass singers.  Each choir rehearses weekly at Cedar Heights Middle School in Covington.

RYC’s seventh season theme is Connections with Home for the Holidays concert 3 p.m. December 14th, Threads of the Past dinner and show 6 p.m. February 28th, and Time and Travel concert 3 p.m. June 1st.  Each season begins with a fall retreat for singers and welcome concert for families and ends with a family picnic in June.


Last year, all the choirs performed three seasonal concerts and sang with Barry Manilow.  Several members also performed on the Argosy Christmas ship and participated in choral festivals.  One satisfied parent recently attested, “Rainier Youth Choirs provides my musically-inclined son a community of caring people where he flourishes and premier instruction which develops his natural abilities.”


Auditions are being held now through September 4th for fall enrollment.  Visit www.rainieryouthchoirs.org to learn more about the program and to request an audition by completing an online application.