
Primordial Vigor X Reviewed – Complete Product Overview

Primordial Vigor X is a male vitality supplement marketed to any man who wants to increase penis size.

By taking two capsules of Primordial Vigor X daily, men of all ages can purportedly increase penis size and get harder, longer-lasting erections.

Is Primordial Vigor X legit? Can you really increase penis size using a supplement? Find out everything you need to know about the formula today in our review.

What is Primordial Vigor X?

Primordial Vigor X is a sexual health supplement marketed primarily to men who want a larger penis.

According to the official Primordial Vigor X website, the supplement can double or even triple the size of your penis without surgery, pumps, stretching, or other invasive methods.

In fact, the supplement’s creator, Adam Walsh, claims he went from a 3” penis to a 10” penis using the ingredients in the formula. Others claim to have gained 5” or more by taking the supplement.

Today, anyone can buy Primordial Vigor X to take advantage of a “primordial growth” activator identified by a rogue doctor. The natural ingredients activate growth processes deep within the male body, supercharging penis size and sexual health.

Primordial Vigor X is exclusively sold through PrimordialVigorX.com, where it’s priced at $69 and comes with a 60-day moneyback guarantee.

Primordial Vigor X Benefits

Some of the benefits of Primordial Vigor X include:

  • Double or triple the size of your penis
  • Natural ingredients with no side effects
  • Promote testosterone production
  • Support energy, muscle firmness, erections, and overall male vitality
  • Created by doctor
  • Backed by 60-day satisfaction guarantee

Get your hands on Primordial Vigor X and experience the benefits now!

How Does Primordial Vigor X Work?

Primordial Vigor X works by targeting a “primordial growth” trigger within yourself. By activating this primordial growth system, you can permanently increase the size of your penis, according to the official website.

Today’s men have smaller penises, on average, than men did decades ago. The makers of Primordial Vigor X blame endocrine-disrupting chemicals, or EDCs. These chemicals are all around us – and they’re lowering testosterone.

By taking Primordial Vigor X daily, you can purportedly clear toxins from your body, increasing testosterone and paving the way for significant penis growth.

Primordial Vigor X doesn’t just claim to give you bigger and harder erections; the official website features testimonials from men who added 5” or more to their penis with the supplement – including men who doubled or tripled the size of their penis and supercharged sexual performance overall.

Who Created Primordial Vigor X? About Adam Walsh

Primordial Vigor X was created by a man named Adam Walsh, an ordinary 31-year old man, who worked with a doctor named Dr. Jackson to release the formula.

Adam claims he used to have had a three inch penis and ED – until he started taking the ingredients in Primordial Vigor X.

Adam spent his college career embarrassed by his three inch penis. Girls would make fun of him, making Adam feel worse and worse about himself.

Today, after taking the ingredients in Primordial Vigor X, Adam has transformed his sexual prowess: he has sex with his girlfriend for hours and gives her multiple orgasms without losing his erection once.

In fact, Adam claims he’s now “the proud owner of a 10” penis that my girlfriend can’t keep her mouth and hands off of.” Adam claims he didn’t use any surgeries or stretching techniques to increase penis size; instead, he simply took the ingredients in Primordial Vigor X.

Motivated by his success, Adam wants to share his formula with the world. He partnered with a US-based supplement company, and now anyone can buy Primordial Vigor X online.

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Adam Worked with Dr. Jackson to Increase Penis Size

Frustrated by his tiny penis, Adam turned to the internet. He started researching ways to increase the size of his penis. He tried pumps, supplements, and many other types of solutions – but nothing worked.

One day, Adam stumbled upon the research of a mysterious man named Dr. Jackson. Dr. Jackson told Adam to take a special blend of ingredients as part of a “primordial growth activator” to increase the size of his penis.

Here’s how Adam describes the encounter:

“He agreed to meet at a private address…so we could discuss my problem.”

Prior to the meeting, Adam conducted basic research on Dr. Jackson to make sure he was a legitimate doctor authorized to treat Adam’s condition. Adam found Dr. Jackson seemed extremely qualified:

“…Dr. Jackson wasn’t just any run-of-the-mill practitioner making bold claims on the internet. He was a recipient of the Lasker Award, often dubbed “America’s Nobel” for Medical Research.”

Over the last 15 years, Dr. Jackson had contributed to “groundbreaking treatments” and “cutting-edge research.” Since 2018, however, Dr. Jackson had disappeared underground, and few had heard about him.

To make a long story short, Dr. Jackson told Adam to take a specific blend of ingredients to permanently increase the size of his penis via a “primordial growth activator.” Those ingredients formed the foundation for Primordial Vigor X.

Visit official website to learn about Primordial Vigor X >>>

Primordial Vigor X Targets the Root Cause of a Small Penis

Most experts blame a small penis on genetics, hormones, the environment, and other factors.

Adam and Dr. Jackson, however, claim otherwise. They blame it on low testosterone caused by endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs), microplastics, and other environmental pollutants.

Specifically, Dr. Jackson blames the rise of small penis size on two factors:

Declining testosterone levels among modern men. Today’s men have lower testosterone levels than men of the same age a few decades ago. Testosterone levels, particularly during youth, play a critical role in the development of your penis. If you had lower-than-normal testosterone levels during puberty, then your penis may not have grown to its full potential.

The environment, pollutants, and dangerous chemicals cause lower testosterone levels. Endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) and microplastics, for example, have been shown to reduce testosterone and cause hormone imbalance. Your cleaning products, clothing, and food packages all have EDCs – and they’re affecting your testosterone every day.

Because of these factors, Dr. Jackson claims the average 20-year old today has a smaller penis than the average 20-year old did in the 1980s because of declining testosterone levels. As testosterone levels have dropped, it’s harder for men to reach their full, optimal penis size.

Primordial Vigor X aims to reverse the effects of EDCs and microplastics, activating your “primordial growth” system to help your penis reach its true size. By activating this system, Dr. Jackson claims men of all ages can rapidly increase the size of their penis.

What Does Primordial Vigor X Do?

Primordial Vigor X aims to reverse the root cause of small penis size: low testosterone and environmental toxins.

To do that, Primordial Vigor X works in a multi-stage process using a blend of dual-action ingredients. Those stages include:

Stage 1) Flush away harmful chemicals, supporting your body’s natural cleansing and detoxification processes to remove chemicals from your body.

Stage 2) Reignite hormonal balance, particularly focusing on testosterone and serotonin, which are crucial for sexual health and performance.

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Primordial Vigor X Ingredients

Primordial Vigor X contains a blend of science-backed ingredients linked to sexual health, blood flow, testosterone, and sexual performance overall.

All of the ingredients in Primordial Vigor X were selected by Dr. Jackson, which is why the supplement is advertised as a “doctor formulated” blend. Dr. Jackson approves using the supplement to increase penis size.

Here are all of the active ingredients in Primordial Vigor X and how they work, according to Dr. Jackson and his team:

Magnesium: Magnesium is an important mineral involved in hundreds of processes in the male body. However, it’s “particularly adept at enhancing testosterone,” according to the official website, because it helps to cleanse toxins from the body linked to low testosterone. By cleansing toxins from the body, magnesium “sets the stage for improving hormonal balance and revitalizing growth processes,” helping you increase the size of your penis and increasing testosterone.

Zinc: Zinc is one of the most important minerals for testosterone, sperm health, and overall male vitality. Studies show men who don’t get enough zinc in their diet tend to have much lower testosterone levels than men with normal levels of zinc intake. The combination of zinc and magnesium helps by “fortifying the body’s natural hormone production,” according to the official Primordial Vigor X website, creating an environment perfect for growth.

Tribulus Terrestris: Tribulus terrestris is a plant extract found in many testosterone booster supplements. Some men take it for prostate health, while others take it for testosterone balance or libido.

Chrysin: Chrysin is another plant extract that, according to Dr. Jackson, blocks the conversion of testosterone into estrogen, helping to maximize the penis growth process.

Epimedium Sagittatum: Epimedium sagittatum, using its active ingredient icariin, helps with blood flow and testosterone production for better erections.

Tongkat Ali: Formally known as eurycoma longifolia, tongkat is “vital for enhancing libido” while also aiding your body’s natural detoxification processes. It was historically used as a natural remedy for male energy issues in Southeast Asia and the Philippines.

Saw Palmetto: Saw palmetto can support testosterone levels and overall erections, according to the makers of Primordial Vigor X. Like tribulus terrestris, saw palmetto is found in a wide range of male vitality supplements available today.

Hawthorn Berry: Hawthorn berry is specifically designed to help with cardiovascular health, promoting blood flow to your penis to improve circulation.

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Primordial Vigor X vs. Other Penis Enlargement Techniques

Primordial Vigor X is advertised as the best way to increase the size of your penis – better than surgery, testosterone injections, and other solutions.

Here are some of the differences between Primordial Vigor X and other supplements available today:

Primordial Vigor X vs. Testosterone Injections: Testosterone injections come with dangerous and even life-threatening side effects. Some increase the risk of stroke, for example. And, when your body injects testosterone, it reduces its own production of testosterone.

Primordial Vigor X vs. Testosterone Pills: Testosterone pills “can damage your liver,” according to the official Primordial Vigor X website. Dr. Jackson tells his patients not to take testosterone pills.

Primordial Vigor X vs. Other Penis Enlargement Supplements: Most penis enlargement supplements sold online today are junk formulas made with unproven ingredients. They don’t actually increase the size of your penis. Primordial Vigor X, however, claims to work differently.

How Primordial Vigor X Grew Adam’s Penis from 3” to 10”

Even the best penis enlargement techniques won’t triple the size of your penis.

Adam, however, claims he grew his penis from 3” to 10” after taking an early version of Dr. Jackson’s Primordial Vigor X formula.

Here’s how Adam tripled the size of his penis with Primordial Vigor X, according to the official website:

Adam took Primordial Vigor X each night. He didn’t notice anything significant at first – just a slight improvement in erections.

On the morning of the 9th day, however, Adam woke up and he “noticed that my bulge was larger.” Adam compared it to a “before” picture he had previously taken. Adam got a measuring tape and realized his “3.4 inches had become 5.” Primordial Vigor X had increased the length of Adam’s penis over 30% overnight.

Adam continued to take Primordial Vigor X each day.

After another week, Adam found his “penis was larger every time I measured.” The supplement was increasing the size of his penis in “short but steady bursts,” making it larger almost every day.

After 3 weeks of taking Primordial Vigor X, Adam’s penis had grown to 8.3”. He also found his erections were stronger and lasted longer. He had more energy and better muscle definition.

Adam hooked up with a girl he met online, and he “made her finish four times only through penetration.” He stayed hard the whole night. It was the first night he spent with his now girlfriend, Lucy.

After 30 days of taking Primordial Vigor X, Adam was convinced Dr. Jackson’s formula was a legitimate way for any man to increase the size of his penis. Adam convinced Dr. Jackson to share his formula with the world.

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How to Take Primordial Vigor X

Dr. Jackson recommends taking two capsules of Primordial Vigor X daily to increase penis size and boost overall sexual performance:

Take 2 capsules each night, every night, for 30 days with 8 to 12oz of water

What to Expect After Taking Primordial Vigor X

Primordial Vigor X is marketed to men who want to increase penis size, reverse ED, and supercharge sexual performance in multiple ways overall.

Here are some of the effects you could experience with Primordial Vigor X, according to the official website:

Permanently Increase Penis Size: Primordial Vigor X is primarily advertised as a way to increase penis size. According to supplement creator Adam Walsh, the ingredients within the formula increased the size of his penis from 3” to 10”. Other reviewers featured on the official website claim to have “grown by 4.5 inches” with the formula. Adam specifically claims he’s not talking about a “temporary boost.” Instead, he insists his formula can permanently increase the size of your penis.

Improve Fertility: Primordial Vigor X claims to enhance the natural protection around your reproductive system, boosting your chances of conception. In fact, the makers of Primordial Vigor X claim “your sperm count and quality will see a massive increase” because of the ingredients’ effects on the reproductive system.

Noticeable Results Within Weeks: You can “expect to see tangible results in your penis size within just a few weeks” of taking Primordial Vigor X, according to the official website. Some customers notice benefits within two weeks, for example. Adam Walsh, creator of the formula, claims he grew his penis from 3” to over 8” in just three weeks of taking Primordial Vigor X.

Cleanse Toxins: Primordial Vigor X was developed based on the idea that toxins in the environment reduce testosterone and shrink your penis. Many of the ingredients in Primordial Vigor X work by cleansing these toxins from your body, setting the stage for optimal penis growth. As the official website explains, “our ultimate goal is to cleanse your system from the inside out” while supporting your natural detoxification processes, leading to greater penis size.

Increase Testosterone: Ingredients like magnesium in Primordial Vigor X can increase testosterone, according to the official website. Testosterone is the primary male sex hormone. Low testosterone is associated with small penis size – especially if you had low testosterone during puberty. Magnesium, for example, “sets the stage for improving hormonal balance,” according to the manufacturer.

Enhance Control, Endurance, & Stamina: Many men feel they have better control and endurance after taking Primordial Vigor X. You can “delay ejaculation,” according to the manufacturer, giving you better control in bed. Many men also experience improved endurance and stamina outside the bedroom, boosting their performance at the gym or at work.

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Scientific Evidence for Primordial Vigor X

Doctors and medical experts say there’s no way to double or triple the size of your flaccid penis without surgery. So how does Primordial Vigor X work? What does science say about this “doctor formulated” supplement? We’ll review the science behind Primordial Vigor X below.

Adam and his team cite 9 studies on the official Primordial Vigor X references page as proof the formula works, including studies performed by Harvard University, the University of Southampton, and the University of Adelaide. Most of these studies don’t specifically prove the ingredients in Primordial Vigor X increase penis size; instead, they explain the connection between environmental toxins and low testosterone. The company cites one study, for example, showing endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) lower testosterone.

Adam and Dr. Jackson also claim to have conducted a clinical trial on Primordial Vigor X to verify it worked as advertised. They collected volunteers online, then gave Primordial Vigor X to those volunteers. Here’s how that trial worked:

Adam and Dr. Jackson collected a group of 48 men online. Each man received a supply of Primordial Vigor X.

Within 12 days of starting the trial, over 50% of volunteers had responded positively to Primordial Vigor X’s treatment, with some “reporting increases of up to 5 inches in their manhoods.”

After two weeks, two of the men reported a 2” increase.

Men in the trial also noticed other benefits. 20 of the 48 men experienced improved hair growth, for example, while 19 had firmer muscles. 32 men in the trial also lost a few pounds of belly fat.

100% of men reported better erections, stamina, and sexual performance overall.

Despite the stunning results of the trial, Adam and Dr. Jackson declined to publish it in a peer-reviewed medical journal.

None of the ingredients in Primordial Vigor X have been shown to promote penis growth in any major study to date. There’s no evidence any herb or plant extract, in fact, can permanently increase the size of your penis.

However, some ingredients in Primordial Vigor X are linked to testosterone, blood flow, and sexual health. One recent study found tribulus terrestris, for example, could increase the body’s production of testosterone, with some even considering it a banned substance among athletes. Another study found icariin, a natural molecule within horny goat weed had “erectogenic and neurotrophic effects,” helping to increase erection size and promote overall health.

Magnesium and zinc may be the two most-studied ingredients in Primordial Vigor X. Multiple studies have connected the minerals with higher testosterone levels, and some men take both minerals daily for that reason. In a 2014 study, researchers found magnesium and zinc supplementation appeared to be closely related to testosterone production.

Overall, Primordial Vigor X uses a blend of science-backed ingredients shown to support testosterone, although none of the ingredients have been shown to specifically increase the size of your penis.

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Primordial Vigor X Reviews: What Do Customers Say?

The official Primordial Vigor X website is filled with testimonials from men who claim to have doubled or even tripled the size of their penis after taking Primordial Vigor X.

Here are some of the growth claims and testimonials featured on the official Primordial Vigor X website:

Adam Walsh, creator of Primordial Vigor X, claims he grew his penis from 3” to 10” by taking the ingredients in Primordial Vigor X, motivating him to create the supplement. He used to struggle with his tiny penis, and girls would make fun of him. Now, he pleases his girlfriend for hours using his 10” penis.

Another customer claims to have “packed on 5.5 inches” after using Primordial Vigor X.

One man claims he has “added 4.5 inches” and his “erections are firmer than ever” thanks to Primordial Vigor X, describing his decision to take the supplement as a “no-brainer”

Many men were skeptical after being disappointed with other penis enlargement solutions in the past. One man claims he was “pretty skeptical about Primordial Vigor X at first,” for example, but he has now “grown by 4.5 inches” thanks to the formula.

Another man claims he has “gained a solid 5 inches” and his “erections are like steel now” thanks to the supplement. He can also “go for as long as I want.”

Many men claim to have improved endurance, stamina, and overall sexual performance using Primordial Vigor X. The supplement doesn’t just claim to trigger penis growth; it also claims to help with erection hardness and other effects.

Many customers praise Primordial Vigor X for transforming their self-esteem. Some, like Adam, used to be ashamed of their small penis. Because Primordial Vigor X has permanently increased the size of their penis, they walk around taller and more confident thanks to the supplement.

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Primordial Vigor X Pricing

Primordial Vigor X is priced at $69 per bottle. The more bottles you buy, the more you can save.


Here’s how pricing works when ordering Primordial Vigor X online today:

  • 1 Bottle: $69 + $9.95 Shipping
  • 3 Bottles: $177 ($59 Per Bottle) + Free Shipping + Free Bonus eBook
  • 6 Bottles: $294 ($49 Per Bottle) + Free Shipping + 2 Free Bonus eBooks

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Each bottle of Primordial Vigor X contains 60 capsules, or 30 servings. You take two capsules nightly to help increase penis size.

Bonuses Included with Primordial Vigor X

If you buy 3 or 6 bottles of Primordial Vigor X, then you get immediate access to one or two bonus eBooks, respectively.

Those two bonus eBooks include:

Free Bonus eBook #1: Man Up: The Ultimate Sexual Health Guide for Men: Bundled with all 3 and 6 bottle purchases, this guide provides practical, science-backed wisdom for boosting erection health and fostering emotional intimacy, helping you transform sexual health and confidence.

Free Bonus eBook #2: Boost Your Bedroom Game: Bundled with all 6 bottle purchases, this eBook normally retails for $59.95. You can discover new sex tips – including strategies proven to enhance her pleasure in bed. You can implement these strategies as soon as tonight.


Primordial Vigor X Refund Policy

Primordial Vigor X comes with a 60-day satisfaction guarantee. If you’re disappointed with Primordial Vigor X for any reason, or if the supplement didn’t increase the size of your penis, then you’re entitled to a refund. Contact the manufacturer within 60 days of your purchase.

The makers of Primordial Vigor X upgrade the guarantee even further with a doctor’s guarantee and a charity guarantee:

Doctor’s Guarantee (Only Applies to 6 Bottle Purchases): Primordial Vigor X is advertised as a doctor-formulated supplement because it was created by a man named Dr. Jackson. If you take Primordial Vigor X for 90 days and your doctor “isn’t shocked with your progress,” then the makers of the supplement will refund your money and buy you a competitor’s product of your choice.

Charity Guarantee: For every bottle of Primordial Vigor X returned, the company will make a donation to feed a starving child on your behalf.

Limited stock – order now by clicking here!

About Primordial Vigor X

Primordial Vigor X is made in the United States using a blend of foreign and domestic ingredients. The formula is BPA-free, 100% natural, and vegetarian. It’s also advertised as being “doctor formulated” because a mysterious man named Dr. Jackson developed the formula.

You can contact the makers of Primordial Vigor X via the following:

Email: support@primordialvigorx.com

Phone: +1(302) 200 3480

Final Word

Primordial Vigor X uses a blend of horny goat weed, tribulus terrestris, zinc, and magnesium to increase the size of your penis.

By taking Primordial Vigor X daily, you can purportedly activate a “primordial growth” system within yourself by cleansing toxins from your body, helping you rapidly increase the size of your penis. One man featured on the official website claims to have grown from 3” to 8” within weeks of taking Primordial Vigor X, while others added 4.5” or more to their manhood.

To learn more about Primordial Vigor X and how it works or to buy the penis enlargement supplement online today, visit the official website.

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