It was a chance meeting that led Kristy Fassion to Stroller Strides more than three years ago, but it’s no accident that she has taken over the Maple Valley franchise.
The Greater Maple Valley Community Center Tricks or Trucks event brought out children and parents dressed in a wide variety of Halloween costumes.
It’s a rare occasion when I find dozens of poems by just one poet that I’d like to share with you, but Joyce Sutphen, who lives in Minnesota, is someone who writes that well, with that kind of appeal. Here is just one example. How many of us have marveled at how well our parents have succeeded at a long marriage?
The staff at Dace’s Rock ‘n’ More believe there’s a significant lack of singing in the world and there are too many people who are self-conscious about singing so they plan to change that by offering a free vocal class every Tuesday starting Nov. 2.
A packed house at the Tahoma High gym celebrated the 2010 homecoming court Oct. 26.
Zachary Lystedt was the homecoming king and Mande McKinney homecoming queen.
The Make a Difference Day event Saturday was very different for a group of Covington residents, city officials and staff.
A group gathered at about 12:30 to celebrate the reopening of Jenkins Creek Park.
The city was forced to close the 23-acre park in 2006 because funds were not available to fight the vandalism and maintain safe conditions at the park.
To myself as a student
A question is asked
A line is crossed
A voice is spoken
A voice however cannot be heard
Make a Difference Day began with a breakfast served by the Maple Valley Rotary and the Black Diamond Community Center board members. According to Mayor Rebecca Olness Lake Sawyer Christian Church and Lake Sawyer Regional Park Foundation were among the citizens who worked on various projects painting the interior of the Black Diamond Community Center, tree planting and clean up at the new parking lot for the regional park. Also volunteers cut firewood and delivered it to five families.
Here’s our Halloween poem for this year, in the thin dry voice of a ghost, as captured by Katie Cappello who lives in Northern California.
If you’re like most of us, you have a hard time completing everything on your to do list. Having the time to read an entire novel, a travel adventure, or even a good mystery is an unthinkable luxury with today’s hectic schedules. Americans tend to work more hours than residents in other developed nations, and the stress is taking its toll, as anyone stuck in a traffic jam can attest.
Maple Valley was brimming with volunteers Saturday participating in the Make A Difference Day event.
Hit the ball hard but work harder — that is Brad Habenicht’s winning approach.
Habenicht may be able to hit a golf ball a long way, but he is more proud of his work ethic because that’s a big part of what got him to the World Long Drive Championships for the fifth time. The competition is set for later this month in Mesquite, Nevada.
In August I sat down with Joe Potts, the new principal at Kentlake High, as part of a story I was writing about new principals in Covington area schools — he is one of four new principals this year.
Potts and I talked about how he got into education, his experience, where he’s been, what his philosophies are and where he thinks Kentlake can go in the future.
I have three dogs and they are always insisting on one thing or another. Having a dog is like having…
The after life. The
oh so sought after
life eternal paradise,
the perpetual light
that beckons us to Zion.
Kentwood celebrated homecoming Friday at French Field during halftime of the Conks game against Kent Meridian.
Cecily Gray was crowned homecoming queen for 2010.
A group of students at Tahoma Junior High know what to do with rain water – build a rain garden.
Peter Donaldson from Friends of the Cedar River Watershed put the project together for the students.
Todd Baker, a teacher at the school, gathered a group of students to build the project.
Maple Valley Police Chief Michelle Bennett talks with the host of King 5 “New Day Northwest”about how to stop bullying behavior.
It was party time at The Leaf in Maple Valley Saturday, Oct. 9
The Maple Valley Creative Arts Center presented the second anniversary party of the Open Mic event at the Leaf.
During our more than four years of publishing this column we’ve shown you a number of poems about motherhood. Here’s…