Live longer: Walk in a park

Want to live two hours longer? Then get out and walk for an hour.

That’s among the advice of the American Heart Association, which is teaming with the King County parks system to encourage walking at parks and on trails maintained by the county.

Walking and other physical activity improves fitness, enhances energy levels and promotes a positive state of mind, according to the heart association (AHA). And participants in the “It’s Just a Walk in the Park” scavenger hunt June 18 to Sept. 18 can also win tickets to Woodland Park Zoo in Seattle. The first 25 families to correctly answer five questions at will receive a four-pack of tickets.

Parks and trails “offer great opportunities for families to exercise together,” said Kevin Brown, county parks director.

According to AHA:

• A Harvard University Study concluded people can gain about two hours of life expectancy for each hour of regular exercise.

• Brisk walking for 30 minutes or more a day can reduce risk for stroke by lowering bad cholesterol levels and high blood pressure.

The county has more than 25,000 acres of parks and natural land, including 175 miles of regional trails. Locations and other information is available at

AHA is the nation’s oldest and largest voluntary health organization dedicated to reducing heart disease and stroke. Those diseases and all other cardiovascular ilnesses combined claim nearly 870,000 lives a year in the U.S.