What are the chances of hitting a target or goal if you’re blindfolded? If your goal is a healthy, attractive landscape, take off the blindfold and have a soil test done. It will point you toward your target. Now is a great time of year to get your soil test done before the spring planting season.
A soil analysis enables the homeowner to know the existing make-up of their soil. Indiscriminately applying fertilizer to the landscape can cause more problems than it solves. When too much fertilizer is applied, not only can it be harmful to your landscape, but nutrient runoff occurs. When excess fertilizers enter our waterways it causes algae to grow which chokes out fish and other water dwellers.
But with a soil test, the homeowner will know the existing levels of available plant nutrients and receive recommendations on how much of which nutrients need to be added for the plants being grown, whether lawns, fruit and vegetable gardens, flower gardens or trees and shrubs. The result will be healthier plants and a healthier planet!
More information is available from Washington State University King County Extension and Master Gardeners at king.wsu.edu/Gardening/gardenfacts.htm or call the King County Master Gardener Phone Clinic at 206-296-3440.
Katie Swickard is a Water Resources Specialist at Covington Water District, a WSU Master Gardener and serves on the Board of the Lake Wilderness Arboretum Foundation. Learn more about conservation at covingtonwater.com.